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[英]How to save one row's data to the server after inline editing in jqGrid?

我已經看到了@Oleg 的幾乎所有示例和答案,但還沒有真正找到解決方案。 這是我的網格-

                 datatype: 'local', 
                 mtype: 'GET',
                 url: "/Views/MyUrl",
                 editUrl: "/Views/MyEditUrl",
                 colNames: colNames,
                 colModel: colModel,
                 altRows: false,
                 pager: $(pager),
                 loadonce: true,
                 sortable: true,
                 multiselect: false,
                 viewrecords: true,
                 shrinkToFit: false,                    
                 gridView: true
                // onSelectRow: editRow   
             }).navGrid(pager, { add: false, edit: false, del: false, search: false} 

             $grid.jqGrid('inlineNav', pager, {
                 edit: true,
                 add: true,
                 del: true,
                 cancel: true,
                 save: true,                    
                 editParams: {
                     keys: false
                 addParams: {
                     keys: true

我正在使用jqGrid 4.6 版本和內聯行編輯。
我嘗試了 'onselectRow',其中我調用了 'saveRow' 而不是 'restoreRow' ,這也不起作用。
編輯該行后,我想將整行數據發送回控制器以在數據庫中更新。 現在,它甚至沒有命中控制器方法。


您必須將數據保存在函數 oneditfunc 回調上

   onSelectRow: function(id){
     if(id && id!==lastSel){ 
        keys : true, 
       oneditfunc: function() {
       alert('Edit Complete');

 beforeSaveRow: function (o, rowid) {
    // this is where you should save the data
    // Do validation and save the data here
    // Note, the 'beforeSaveRow' is undocumented, but it gets invoked before jqGrid calls its own SaveRow method.       
   // Get data by rowid and save it to DB and then 

    grid.saveRow(rowid, false);
    return false;// To avoid jqgrid from invoking its own save again
 aftersavefunc: function (rowid) {
    // this fired is after saving
    var rowData = $this.jqGrid("getRowData", rowid);


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