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[英]Having Trouble With Strings, Arrays, and IP Addresses (VB.NET)

我有一段代碼可以ping NIST服務器列表並檢索它們的時間。 這是完美的原始代碼:

'Server IP addresses from 
'http://tf.nist.gov/tf-cgi/servers.cgi - current as of 05/20/2016
Private Shared Servers() As String = {
      "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , "" _
    , ""

Public Shared LastHost As String = ""
Public Shared LastSysTime As DateTime

Public Shared Function GetTime() As DateTime
    'Returns UTC/GMT using an NIST server if possible, 
    ' degrading to simply returning the system clock

    'If we are successful in getting NIST time, then
    ' LastHost indicates which server was used and
    ' LastSysTime contains the system time of the call
    ' If LastSysTime is not within 15 seconds of NIST time,
    '  the system clock may need to be reset
    ' If LastHost is "", time is equal to system clock

    Dim host As String
    Dim result As DateTime

    LastHost = ""
    For Each host In Servers
            If My.Computer.Network.Ping(host) Then
                LastHost = host
                result = GetNISTTime(host)
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("There was an error retrieving the internet time. Please try again.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Sync Error")
        End Try

    If LastHost = "" Then
        'No server in list was successful so use system time
        result = DateTime.UtcNow()
    End If

    Return result
End Function

但是,我正在嘗試對其進行修改,以便可以使用保存在My.Settings或My.Resources文件中的NIST服務器IP地址列表(以便可以輕松修改I地址)。 所以基本上就像上面的工作代碼一樣,沿着每一行走下去。 除了下面的代碼不能像上面的代碼一樣工作; 它只是返回類似於“ System.Strings []”的內容:

'Server IP addresses from 
'http://tf.nist.gov/tf-cgi/servers.cgi - current as of 05/20/2016
'Declares stting that loads server IP addresses
Public Shared VanServ As String = My.Resources.VanillaServerIPList
Public Shared Serv As String = My.Settings.ServerIPList
Public Shared Servers() As String

Public Shared LastHost As String = ""
Public Shared LastSysTime As DateTime

Public Shared Function GetTime() As DateTime
    'Returns UTC/GMT using an NIST server if possible, 
    ' degrading to simply returning the system clock

    'If we are successful in getting NIST time, then
    ' LastHost indicates which server was used and
    ' LastSysTime contains the system time of the call
    ' If LastSysTime is not within 15 seconds of NIST time,
    '  the system clock may need to be reset
    ' If LastHost is "", time is equal to system clock
    Servers = Serv.Split(vbCrLf)

    Dim host As String
    Dim result As DateTime

    LastHost = ""
    For Each host In Servers
            If My.Computer.Network.Ping(host) Then
                LastHost = host
                result = GetNISTTime(host)
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("There was an error retrieving the internet time. Please try again.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Sync Error")
        End Try

    If LastHost = "" Then
        'No server in list was successful so use system time
        result = DateTime.UtcNow()
    End If

    Return result
End Function


...等等; 每個IP都在新的一行


Private Shared VanServArray As Array 'Used to store "vanilla" list of NIST server IPs stored in My.Settings.VanillaServerIPList
Private Shared ServArray As Array 'Used to store list of NIST server IPs stored in My.Settings.ServerIPList
Private Shared Result As DateTime 'Stores DateTime retrieved from NIST Server

Public Shared LastHost As String = ""
Public Shared LastSysTime As DateTime 'Stores last available system DateTime

Public Shared Function GetTime() As DateTime
    'Returns UTC/GMT using an NIST server if possible, 
    ' degrading to simply returning the system clock

    If My.Settings.ServerIPList Is Nothing Then
        'If the user modifiable list of NIST server IP addresses IS null (null = TRUE) then
        'Put pre-stored, read-only "vanilla" StringsCollection of IP Addresses into the Array
        ServArray = My.Settings.VanillaServerIPList.Cast(Of String)().ToArray
        'If the user modifiable list of NIST server IP addresses IS NOT null (null = FALSE) then
        'Put the user modifiable StringsCollection of IP Addresses into an Array
        ServArray = My.Settings.ServerIPList.Cast(Of String)().ToArray
    End If

    'Assign null value to LastHost
    LastHost = ""

    'Runs the "If Then" logic that pings all IPs in the array
    'Ping each IP and try to retrieve results
    For Each IP As String In ServArray
            'Shows each IP in Debug console
            Debug.WriteLine(IP, "IP Addresses")

            If My.Computer.Network.Ping(IP) Then
                LastHost = IP
                Result = GetNISTTime(IP)
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            'Return "Sync Error 0x01"
            MsgBox("There was a sync error while retrieving the updated internet time. Please try again.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Sync Error 0x01")
            Debug.WriteLine("There was a sync error while retrieving the updated internet time. Please try again.", "Sync Error 0x01")
        End Try

    'No server in list was successful so use system time
    If LastHost = "" Then
        'Return "Sync Error 0x02"
        MsgBox("No server in list returned the time. The sytem time has not been updated.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Sync Error 0x02")
        Debug.WriteLine("No server in list returned the time. The sytem time has not been updated.", "Sync Error 0x02")
        Result = DateTime.UtcNow()
    End If

    Return Result

End Function


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