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PHP MySQL:在數據庫中搜索缺少字符串(數組)的結果

[英]PHP MySQL: Search database for string (in array) missing results

我正在創建一個功能,該功能在數據庫中搜索字符串。 PHP使用PHP驗證程序不會顯示任何錯誤,並且如果搜索詞不存在,它將返回正確的錯誤。 我的問題是,在數據庫中名為“並置”(當前是數據庫中唯一的條目)的列中搜索“急匆匆地放棄”時,沒有返回結果。 雖然我可以使用phpMyAdmin看到該條目確實存在。


<form action='http://www.murkyfiles.esy.es/search.php' method='GET'>
    <p><label for='search'>Please enter your question as accurately as possible:</label></p>
    <p><input type='search' size='90' name='search'></p>
    <p><input type='submit'  name='submit' value='Find answer'></p>


$button = $_GET [ 'submit' ];
$search = $_GET [ 'search' ];
$host = "[HOST URL]";
$username = "[USERNAME]";
$password = "[PASSWORD]";
$database = "[DATABASE]";
$searchlength = strlen($search);

if( !$button )
  echo "You didn't submit a keyword";
else {
  if( strlen( $search ) <= 1 )
    echo "Search term too short";
  else {
    echo "You searched for <b> $search </b> <hr size='1' > </ br > ";

    // Connect to database

    $con = mysqli_connect ( $host, $username, $password );

    if(!$con) {
        die('Could not connect: ' .PDO::errorInfo());

    mysqli_select_db ( $con, $database );

    $search = str_split($search, $searchlength);

    $construct = " SELECT * FROM 'coll_test' WHERE collocation LIKE '%$search%' ";

    $run = mysqli_query( $con, $construct );

    //Fetch and return search results.

    if ($foundnum == 0)
        echo "Sorry, there are no matching results for <b> $search[0] </b>.
        </ br >
        </ br > 1. Try presenting your Something is wrong in a more academic manner. Guidance can be found on the majority of University websites without need for registration.
        </ br > 2. Try more common words/phrases with similar meaning. This search focuses on colloquialisms - commonly used phrases within a language.
        </ br > 3. Please check your spelling";

    else {
      echo "$foundnum results found !<p>";

      while ( $runrows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run) ) {
          $collocation = $runrows ['collocation'];
        echo "<a href='$url'> <b> $title </b> </a> <br> $desc <br> <a href='$url'> $url </a> <p>";



搭配 | | | 長度 google-結果 | 結結果 | 雅虎結果 | 網址鏈接 | 維基 | 日期


collocation = abandon hastily
left = abandon
right = NULL
length = 2
google-results = 24000000
bing-results = 386000
yahoo-results = 385000
url-link = oxforddictionary.so8848.com/search1?word=abandon
wiki = 0
date = [TIMESTAMP]


$search = $_GET ['search'];// get your value
$like = "%$search%";//
$stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT `collocation`,`left`,`right` FROM `coll_test` WHERE collocation LIKE ?");
$stmt->bind_param('s', $like);
$rows = $stmt->num_rows;// check your query return result of not
if ($rows > 0) {

    while ($stmt->fetch()) {// fetch data from query
       printf ("%s (%s)\n", $collocation,$left,$right);
       // fetch data form result set
} else {
    echo "Sorry, there are no matching results for <b> $search </b>.";


$con = mysqli_connect ( $host, $username, $password, $database );

//$search = str_split($search, $searchlength); ///??? See below
$searchSafe = preg_replace("/[^0-9a-z-_ ]/i","",$search); //example only.

$construct = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS found FROM `coll_test` 
WHERE collocation LIKE '%".$searchSafe."%' ";

$run = mysqli_query($con, $construct);
$result = mysqli_fetch_array($run);

print $result['found']." number of results found!"; //for example.


2) str_split返回一個數組,但是您將結果用作字符串。 這令人困惑且不正確,您打算如何處理?

  • $_GET['search']始終是字符串類型,因此您無需將其用作數組或任何基於數組的混亂對象。

3)使用外部函數手動返回number_rows計數可能不准確, 而是SELECT語句中使用COUNT

4)您忘記返回實際查詢的結果! 因此,在上面我插入了一個mysql_fetch_array結果以查看結果數。 您也沒有為$foundnum變量定義值。

5)您正在將PDO與MySQLi混合,這兩種連接方法是互斥的 他們不混合。

6)您對SQL注入和數據庫妥協持開放態度,您需要使用Prepared Statements(如Saty所示 ),並使用preg_replace東西(或其他REGEX解析器)從字符串中刪除無效字符,例如:

$searchSafe = preg_replace("/[^0-9a-z-%_ ]/i","",$search); //example only.

上面的意思是字符串中僅允許使用0-9或az(不區分大小寫, /i )或-%_

7)表名或列名( 'coll_test' )不應用單引號引起來,相反,它們應全部用反引號引起來。 在MySQL中單引號是包含數據的字符串。


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