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如何使用Rhino JS從Javascript訪問Java類(和函數)

[英]How to access Java classes (and functions) from Javascript using Rhino JS

我正在使用Rhino JS在Java上運行Javascript,問題是,有沒有辦法從Javascript訪問Java類?

public void execute(Request request, Response response){
        String script = "function abc(x,y) {return x+y;}"; // example how to access the request and response object from within the script? 
        Context context = Context.enter();
        try {
            ScriptableObject scope = context.initStandardObjects();
            Scriptable that = context.newObject(scope);
            Function fct = context.compileFunction(scope, script, "script", 1, null);
            Object result = fct.call(context, scope, that, new Object[] { 2, 3 });
            System.out.println(Context.jsToJava(result, int.class));
        finally {

上面的代碼示例非常簡單,但是想法是如何從腳本內部訪問請求和響應對象? 可能嗎?


function abc(request,response) {
    var body = request.body;
    response.body = body;
    return response;

ScriptableObject.defineProperty API可以在范圍中定義屬性。 javascript可以毫無問題地訪問變量。

ScriptableObject scope = context.initStandardObjects();
Scriptable that = context.newObject(scope);
scope.defineProperty("req", request, ScriptableObject.READONLY);
scope.defineProperty("res", response, ScriptableObject.READONLY);
Object result = context.evaluateString(that, "function abc(request,response) {return response.body;}\n abc(req, res)", "script", 1, null);
System.out.println(Context.jsToJava(result, String.class));


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