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如何使用 Node.js 將 JSON 數組轉換為 CSV?

[英]How to convert JSON array to CSV using Node.js?

我想轉換具有值數組的 json 。 響應.json

"rows": [
  "New Visitor",
  "(not set)",
  "(not set)",      
  "New Visitor",
  "(not set)",
  "(not set)",
  "New Visitor",
  "(not set)",
  "(not set)",
    "New Visitor",
    "(not set)",
    "(not set)",

現在我想把這些數據轉換成。 名稱.csv

 "New Visitor","(not set)","(not set)","0"
 "New Visitor","(not set)","(not set)","mobile"        
 "New Visitor","(not set)","(not set)","mobile"    
 "New Visitor","(not set)","(not set)","mobile"

請給我使用 Node.js 的建議。


'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');

let myObj = {
  "rows": [
      "New , Visitor",
      "(not set)",
      "(not set)",
      "New Visitor",
      "(not set)",
      "(not set)",
      "New Visitor",
      "(not set)",
      "(not set)",
      "New Visitor",
      "(not set)",
      "(not set)",

// 1. One way - if you want the results to be in double quotes and you have comas inside

// choose another string to temporally replace commas if necessary
let stringToReplaceComas = '!!!!';

myObj.rows.map((singleRow) => {
  singleRow.map((value, index) => {
    singleRow[index] = value.replace(/,/g, stringToReplaceComas);

let csv = `"${myObj.rows.join('"\n"').replace(/,/g, '","')}"`;
// // or like this
// let csv = `"${myObj.rows.join('"\n"').split(',').join('","')}"`;

csv = csv.replace(new RegExp(`${stringToReplaceComas}`, 'g'), ',');

// // 2. Another way - if you don't need the double quotes in the generated csv and you don't have comas in rows' values
// let csv = myObj.rows.join('\n')

fs.writeFile('name.csv', csv, 'utf8', function(err) {
  if (err) {
    console.log('Some error occured - file either not saved or corrupted file saved.');
  } else {
    console.log('It\'s saved!');


例如。 https://github.com/mrodrig/json-2-csvhttps://github.com/wdavidw/node-csvhttps://github.com/wdavidw/node-csv-stringify

使用 json-2-csv 的示例( https://github.com/mrodrig/json-2-csv

'use strict';

const converter = require('json-2-csv');

let myObj = {
  "rows": [
      value1: "New Visitor",
      value2: "(not set)",
      value3: "(not set)",
      value4: "0"
      value1: "New Visitor",
      value2: "(not set)",
      value3: "(not set)",
      value4: "mobile"
      value1: "New Visitor",
      value2: "(not set)",
      value3: "(not set)",
      value4: "mobile"
      value1: "New Visitor",
      value2: "(not set)",
      value3: "(not set)",
      value4: "mobile",

let json2csvCallback = function (err, csv) {
    if (err) throw err;
    fs.writeFile('name.csv', csv, 'utf8', function(err) {
      if (err) {
        console.log('Some error occured - file either not saved or corrupted file saved.');
      } else {
        console.log('It\'s saved!');

converter.json2csv(myObj.rows, json2csvCallback, {
  prependHeader: false      // removes the generated header of "value1,value2,value3,value4" (in case you don't want it)

使用 csv-stringify 的示例( https://github.com/wdavidw/node-csv-stringify

'use strict';

var stringify = require('csv-stringify');
var fs = require('fs');

let myObj = {
  "rows": [
      "New Visitor",
      "(not set)",
      "(not set)",
      "New Visitor",
      "(not set)",
      "(not set)",
      "New Visitor",
      "(not set)",
      "(not set)",
      "New Visitor",
      "(not set)",
      "(not set)",

stringify(myObj.rows, function(err, output) {
  fs.writeFile('name.csv', output, 'utf8', function(err) {
    if (err) {
      console.log('Some error occured - file either not saved or corrupted file saved.');
    } else {
      console.log('It\'s saved!');

三個簡單的步驟:閱讀。 轉換。 寫。


如果您需要從文件中讀取 JSON(如您在帖子中包含的文件名response.json ),您將需要Node.js FileSystem API

const fs = require('fs');                          // Require Node.js FileSystem API.
const JSONFile = fs.readFileSync('response.json'); // Read the file synchronously.


第 2 步:轉換。

無論您是從本地文件讀取 JSON 還是從服務器獲取它,您都需要首先使用JSON.parse方法將其解析為普通的舊 JavaScript 對象:

const JSONasPOJO = JSON.parse(JSONFile); // Parse JSON into POJO.


const CSVString = JSONasPOJO
    .rows                    // Get `rows`, which is an array.
    .map(                    // Map returns a new array.
        row => row.join(',') // Each child array becomes a comma-separated string.  
    .join('\n');             // Parent array becomes a newline-separated string...
                             // ...of comma-separated strings.
                             // It is now a single CSV string!


雖然前面的代碼肯定有效,但沒有必要在子數組上使用.map.join 正如@Relu 演示的那樣,父數組上的單個.join就足夠了,因為 JavaScript 會默認自動將子數組轉換為逗號分隔的字符串,因為.join必須返回一個字符串並且不能包含任何子數組。



var CSVString = JSONasPOJO.rows.join('\n'); // Array becomes a newline-separated...
                                            // ...string of comma-separated strings.
                                            // It is now a single CSV string!


 const JSONasPOJO = { "rows": [ [ "New Visitor", "(not set)", "(not set)", "0" ], [ "New Visitor", "(not set)", "(not set)", "mobile" ], [ "New Visitor", "(not set)", "(not set)", "mobile" ], [ "New Visitor", "(not set)", "(not set)", "mobile" // NOTE: Here I removed a trailing comma, // ...which is invalid JSON! ] ] } const CSVString = JSONasPOJO.rows.join('\\n'); console.log(CSVString);


再次使用 FileSystem API,寫入文件,並記錄錯誤或成功消息:

fs.writeFile('name.csv', CSVString, err => {
    if (err) return console.log(err);
    console.log('FILE SUCCESSFULLY WRITTEN!\n');

注意:在這里,我演示了使用回調記錄我的錯誤和成功消息的異步模式。 如果您願意,可以使用fs.writeFileSync()同步寫入文件。


我喜歡在我的 Node.js 腳本中添加大量的console.log()消息。

const fs = require('fs');

const inFilename  = 'response.json',
      outFilename = 'name.csv';

console.log(`Preparing to read from ${inFilename} …`);

const JSONContents = fs.readFileSync(inFilename);

console.log('Preparing to parse as JSON …');

const JSONasPOJO = JSON.parse(JSONContents);

console.log('Preparing to convert into CSV …');

const CSVString = JSONasPOJO.rows.join('\n');

console.log(`Preparing to write to ${outFilename} …`);

fs.writeFile(outFilename, CSVString, err => {
    if (err) return console.error(err);
    console.log('FILE SUCCESSFULLY WRITTEN!');

在嘗試使用該庫幾個小時后,我最終編寫了自己的庫。 https://github.com/KhanhPham2411/simple-node-csv

import { SimpleNodeCsv } from './simple-node-csv';

SimpleNodeCsv.obj2csv({a: 1, b:2}, ",");

// output
// "a","b"
// 1,2

我不了解你們,但我喜歡無需大量額外配置即可按預期工作的小包,嘗試使用 jsonexport,我認為它是最好的模塊,適用於對象、數組等。它的快!


npm i --save jsonexport


const jsonexport = require('jsonexport');
const fs = require('fs');

  value1: "New Visitor",
  value2: "(not set)",
  value3: "(not set)",
  value4: "0"
  value1: "New Visitor",
  value2: "(not set)",
  value3: "(not set)",
  value4: "mobile"
  value1: "New Visitor",
  value2: "(not set)",
  value3: "(not set)",
  value4: "mobile"
  value1: "New Visitor",
  value2: "(not set)",
  value3: "(not set)",
  value4: "mobile",
}], function(err, csv) {
  if (err) return console.error(err);
  fs.writeFile('output.csv', csv, function(err) {
    if (err) return console.error(err);
    console.log('output.csv saved');


我想分享從 json 數組構建 csv 字符串的最簡單方法:

 const data = [ { a: 1, b: new Date(), c: 'a text' }, { a: 1, b: new Date(), c: `string with return carrier and emoji 😂 ` } ] const header = Object.keys(data[0]).map(_ => JSON.stringify(_)).join(';') + '\\n' const outData = data.reduce((acc, row) => { return acc + Object.values(row).map(_ => JSON.stringify(_)).join(';') + '\\n' }, header) console.log(outData)


1;"2020-03-25T08:49:04.280Z";"a text"
1;"2020-03-25T08:49:04.280Z";"string\n  with\n  return\n  carrier\n  and emoji 😂\n  "


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