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針對JavaRDD的每個操作的Apache Spark計時

[英]Apache Spark timing forEach operation on JavaRDD


我在這里做兩件事。 基本方法是,我們有M個實例(稱為DropEvaluation)和N個DropResults。 我們需要將每個N DropResult與每個M DropEvaluations進行比較。 每個M必須看到每個N,以便最終獲得M個結果。


我只是想確保自己沒有丟失任何東西,例如.count()可能需要很長時間? 我想計時.count(),我必須修改Spark的源代碼?

M = 1000或2000。N = 10 ^ 7。

這實際上是笛卡爾問題-選擇累加器是因為我們需要在適當的位置寫入每個M。 建立完整的笛卡爾RDD也很丑陋。

我們建立了一個M累加器列表(不能用Java做一個列表累加器嗎?)。 然后,我們使用foreach遍歷RDD中的N個值。

澄清問題:正確計算了總時間,我問RDD上的.count()是否強制Spark等待RDD完成才可以進行計數。 .count()時間重要嗎?


// assume standin exists and does it's thing correctly

// this controls the final size of RDD, as we are not parallelizing something with an existing length
List<Integer> rangeN = IntStream.rangeClosed(simsLeft - blockSize + 1, simsLeft).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());

// setup bogus array of size N for parallelize dataSetN to lead to dropResultsN       
JavaRDD<Integer> dataSetN = context.parallelize(rangeN);

// setup timing to create N
long NCreationStartTime = System.nanoTime();

// this maps each integer element of RDD dataSetN to a "geneDropped" chromosome simulation, we need N of these:
JavaRDD<TholdDropResult> dropResultsN = dataSetN.map(s -> standin.call(s)).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY());

// **** this line makes the driver wait until the RDD is done, right?
long dummyLength = dropResultsN.count();

long NCreationNanoSeconds = System.nanoTime() - NCreationStartTime;
double NCreationSeconds = (double)NCreationNanoSeconds / 1000000000.0;
double NCreationMinutes = NCreationSeconds / 60.0;

logger.error("{} test sims remaining", simsLeft);

// now get the time for just the dropComparison (part of accumulable's add)
long startDropCompareTime = System.nanoTime();

// here we iterate through each accumulator in the list and compare all N elements of dropResultsN RDD to each M in turn, our .add() is a custom AccumulableParam
for (Accumulable<TholdDropTuple, TholdDropResult> dropEvalAccum : accumList) {
    dropResultsN.foreach(new VoidFunction<TholdDropResult>() {
                    public void call(TholdDropResult dropResultFromN) throws Exception {

    // all the dropComparisons for all N to all M for this blocksize are done, check the time...
   long dropCompareNanoSeconds = System.nanoTime() - startDropCompareTime;
   double dropCompareSeconds = (double)dropCompareNanoSeconds / 1000000000.0;
    double dropCompareMinutes = dropCompareSeconds / 60.0;

    // write lines to indicate timing section
    // log and write to file the time for the N-creation


} // end for that goes through dropAccumList

Spark程序是惰性的,只有在調用RDD上的count之類的所有操作后,它才會運行。 您可以在Spark的文檔中找到常見操作的列表

// **** this line makes the driver wait until the RDD is done, right?
long dummyLength = dropResultsN.count();

是的,在這種情況下, count強制計算dropResultsN ,因此將花費很長時間。 如果您進行第二次count ,由於RDD已被計算和緩存,它將很快返回。


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