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如何在Android設備上啟用和禁用dm verity?

[英]how to enable and disable dm verity on android devices?

此問題與device-mapper-verity(dm-verity)內核功能有關,該功能提供了塊設備的透明完整性檢查。 dm-verity有助於防止持久的rootkit,這些rootkit可以保留root權限並破壞設備。


adb disable-verity 
adb enable-verity

但是這些命令不適用於用戶構建。 用戶構建有什么替代方案嗎?



C:\Users\Test>adb remount
dm_verity is enabled on the system and vendor partitions.
Use "adb disable-verity" to disable verity.
If you do not, remount may succeed, however, you will still not be able to write to these volumes.
remount of system failed: Permission denied
remount failed


使用IDA Hex- ray逆向工程/反編譯' \\ sbin \\ adbd '時,我注意到輸出此錯誤的相關adbd源代碼在net中:

void remount_service(int fd, void *cookie)
    char buffer[200];
    char prop_buf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];

    bool system_verified = false, vendor_verified = false;
    property_get("partition.system.verified", prop_buf, "0");
    if (!strcmp(prop_buf, "1")) {
        system_verified = true;

    property_get("partition.vendor.verified", prop_buf, "0");
    if (!strcmp(prop_buf, "1")) {
        vendor_verified = true;

    if (system_verified || vendor_verified) {
        // Allow remount but warn of likely bad effects
        bool both = system_verified && vendor_verified;
        snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
                 "dm_verity is enabled on the %s%s%s partition%s.\n",
                 system_verified ? "system" : "",
                 both ? " and " : "",
                 vendor_verified ? "vendor" : "",
                 both ? "s" : "");
        write_string(fd, buffer);
        snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
                 "Use \"adb disable-verity\" to disable verity.\n"
                 "If you do not, remount may succeed, however, you will still "
                 "not be able to write to these volumes.\n");
        write_string(fd, buffer);

    if (remount("/system", &system_ro)) {
        snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "remount of system failed: %s\n",strerror(errno));
        write_string(fd, buffer);

    if (hasVendorPartition()) {
        if (remount("/vendor", &vendor_ro)) {
            snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "remount of vendor failed: %s\n",strerror(errno));
            write_string(fd, buffer);

    if (!system_ro && (!vendor_ro || !hasVendorPartition()))
        write_string(fd, "remount succeeded\n");
    else {
        write_string(fd, "remount failed\n");


http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~rjkohler/android-tools-5.0.1+git20141213/core/adb/remount_service.c順便說一下,我曾經解散的adb deamon來自Android 5.1.1。

所以這里的關鍵點是partition.vendor.verifiedpartition.system.verified 如果它們設置為“1”,您將收到錯誤。


然而adb remount所做的一切都是重新安裝/系統 (也許是/供應商 )。 您也可以自己動手:

adb shell su mount -o remount /system

那條小線通常會幫助我完成同樣的事情。 - 那就行了。 (但是,如果你的設備是'rooted', su命令就會出現。)

adb disable-verity僅適用於adb版本1.0.33及更高版本。 所以升級您的adb版本


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