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如何使用INT 10H顯示寄存器值

[英]How to display register value using INT 10H


  MOV AL, 0x45
  MOV AH, 0x0E
  MOV BL, 0x07
  MOV BH, 0x00
  INT 0x10

有什么方法可以使用INT 10H打印實際的寄存器值嗎? 像上面的示例中AL是0x45一樣,因此它將打印45(不必是十六進制表示)。 我正在16位實模式引導加載程序中執行此操作。

我會給你一種打印16位寄存器的方法。 通過將左16位寄存器的4位旋轉為最低有效位,然后隔離這4位,可以一次打印四位(4位)。 然后,我們打印該值的十六進制數字,該數字將是09AF 我們對16位字中的4個半字節中的每個半字節執行4次。

示例中提供了兩個 16位十六進制打印功能。 選擇一種適合您的環境:

  • print_hex_word可在任何8086/8088處理器或更高版本上使用。
  • print_hex_word是一個較小的版本,可在16位實模式下的任何80186/80188處理器上使用。


  • 將一個2字節的值壓入包含頁碼和前景色的堆棧中(圖形模式)。 有關Int 10h / AH = 0eh的更多信息,請參見Ralf Brown的中斷列表。
  • 將2字節的值壓入要打印的堆棧上。


bits 16
org 0x7c00

section .text
    global      _start

    ; Set segment registers to 0
    xor ax, ax
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    ; Set stack pointer just below bootloader
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x7c00
    ; Clear direction flag (forward movement)
    ; print_hex_word/print_hex_word_186 take a second parameter
    ; that is the page number (upper 8 bits) and foreground color
    ; in lower 8 bits. We just want 0x0000 so push it on the
    ; stack first
    push ax

    ; This test just prints SS and SP to the display
    push ss                 ; Push on stack as 1st parameter
                            ;    In this case display value in SS
    call print_hex_word     ; Print 16-bit value as hex
    add  sp, 2              ; Cleanup stack after call
    push sp                 ; Push on stack as 1st parameter
                            ;    In this case display value in SP
    call print_hex_word     ; Print 16-bit value as hex
    add  sp, 2              ; Cleanup stack after call

    ; Print value 0xaa55 to the display
    mov ax, 0xaa55
    push ax                 ; Push on stack as 1st parameter
                            ;    In this case display value in 0xAA55
    call print_hex_word     ; Print 16-bit value as hex

    cli                     ; Disable interrupts
    hlt                     ; Halt processor

; Print 16 bit value passed on stack as first parameter
; in hexadecimal. Use page number and foreground color
; passed in second parameter. This routine will work on 8086+
; processors. This code takes advantage of packed BCD to
; determine the ASCII values to print. This code could have
; used compare and branch to do the same or a translation table.

    push bp
    mov bp, sp      ; BP=SP, on 8086 can't use sp in memory operand
    push dx         ; Save all registers we clobber
    push cx
    push bx
    push ax

    mov cx, 0x0404  ; CH = number of nibbles to process = 4 (4*4=16 bits)
                    ; CL = Number of bits to rotate each iteration = 4 (a nibble)
    mov dx, [bp+4]  ; DX = word parameter on stack at [bp+4] to print
    mov bx, [bp+6]  ; BX = page / foreground attr is at [bp+6]

    rol dx, cl      ; Roll 4 bits left. Lower nibble is value to print
    mov ax, 0x0e0f  ; AH=0E (BIOS tty print),AL=mask to get lower nibble
    and al, dl      ; AL=copy of lower nibble
    add al, 0x90    ; Work as if we are packed BCD
    daa             ; Decimal adjust after add.
                    ;    If nibble in AL was between 0 and 9, then CF=0 and
                    ;    AL=0x90 to 0x99
                    ;    If nibble in AL was between A and F, then CF=1 and
                    ;    AL=0x00 to 0x05
    adc al, 0x40    ; AL=0xD0 to 0xD9
                    ; or AL=0x41 to 0x46
    daa             ; AL=0x30 to 0x39 (ASCII '0' to '9')
                    ; or AL=0x41 to 0x46 (ASCII 'A' to 'F')
    int 0x10        ; Print ASCII character in AL
    dec ch
    jnz .loop       ; Go back if more nibbles to process

    pop ax          ; Restore registers
    pop bx
    pop cx
    pop dx
    pop bp

TIMES 510-($-$$) db 0
DW 0xaa55


; Print 16 bit value passed on stack as first parameter
; in hexadecimal. This routine will work on 80186+ processors
; Use page number and foreground color passed in second parameter

    pusha           ; Save all registers, 16 bytes total
    mov bp, sp      ; BP=SP, on 8086 can't use sp in memory operand
    mov cx, 0x0404  ; CH = number of nibbles to process = 4 (4*4=16 bits)
                    ; CL = Number of bits to rotate each iteration = 4 (a nibble)
    mov dx, [bp+18] ; DX = word parameter on stack at [bp+18] to print
    mov bx, [bp+20] ; BX = page / foreground attr is at [bp+20]

    rol dx, cl      ; Roll 4 bits left. Lower nibble is value to print
    mov ax, 0x0e0f  ; AH=0E (BIOS tty print),AL=mask to get lower nibble
    and al, dl      ; AL=copy of lower nibble
    add al, 0x90    ; Work as if we are packed BCD
    daa             ; Decimal adjust after add.
                    ;    If nibble in AL was between 0 and 9, then CF=0 and
                    ;    AL=0x90 to 0x99
                    ;    If nibble in AL was between A and F, then CF=1 and
                    ;    AL=0x00 to 0x05
    adc al, 0x40    ; AL=0xD0 to 0xD9
                    ; or AL=0x41 to 0x46
    daa             ; AL=0x30 to 0x39 (ASCII '0' to '9')
                    ; or AL=0x41 to 0x46 (ASCII 'A' to 'F')
    int 0x10        ; Print ASCII character in AL
    dec ch
    jnz .loop       ; Go back if more nibbles to process
    popa            ; Restore all the registers

該代碼使用一些打包的二進制編碼的十進制(BCD)技巧將4位值轉換為十六進制數字。 有關打包BCD算術的更多信息,可以在本教程的“ 處理打包BCD編號 ”部分中找到。


nasm -f bin boot.asm -o boot.bin


qemu-system-i386 -fda boot.bin


如果您使用BOCHS ,則可以使用內置的調試器逐步調試自舉程序,並在代碼執行時顯示寄存器和內存的內容。


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