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Excel VBA 自動根據單元格值復制整行“X”次並粘貼到單獨的工作表中

[英]Excel VBA automation copy entire row “X” times based on cell value and paste in separate sheet

VBA 相對較新,我遇到的情況是我有一個 A 列到 Y 列,我需要根據 O 列中的數值復制和粘貼 X 次。我使用了以下代碼,該代碼僅適用於復制到單獨的工作表中。 我現在遇到的問題是我已經改變了,所以 A 列中有公式,使其更具動態性; 但是,現在代碼正在復制公式。

我對 pastespecial 進行了更多研究,但似乎無法讓我的代碼與下面的第一個代碼一樣,只是將公式的值粘貼到 A 列中。 我不依賴於復制整行,但我確實需要 AY 列。 非常感謝任何幫助!

Public Sub CopyData()
' This routing will copy rows based on the quantity to a new sheet.
Dim rngSinglecell As Range
Dim rngQuantityCells As Range
Dim intCount As Integer

' Set this for the range where the Quantity column exists. This works only if there are no empty cells
Set rngQuantityCells = Range("D1", Range("D1").End(xlDown))

For Each rngSinglecell In rngQuantityCells
    ' Check if this cell actually contains a number
    If IsNumeric(rngSinglecell.Value) Then
        ' Check if the number is greater than 0
        If rngSinglecell.Value > 0 Then
            ' Copy this row as many times as .value
            For intCount = 1 To rngSinglecell.Value
                ' Copy the row into the next emtpy row in sheet2
                Range(rngSinglecell.Address).EntireRow.Copy Destination:= Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)                                
                ' The above line finds the next empty row.

        End If
    End If
End Sub

另外 - 我已經潛伏在這個論壇一段時間了,你們都對自己在這里所做的事情和很棒的資源感到驚訝! 很高興終於加入。


Public Sub CopyData()

' This routing will copy rows based on the quantity to a new sheet.
Dim rngSinglecell As Range
Dim rngQuantityCells As Range
Dim intCount As Integer

' Set this for the range where the Quantity column exists. This works only if there are no empty cells
Set rngQuantityCells = Range("D1", Range("D1").End(xlDown))

For Each rngSinglecell In rngQuantityCells

    ' Check if this cell actually contains a number and if the number is greater than 0
    If IsNumeric(rngSinglecell.Value) And rngSingleCell.Value > 0 Then

        ' Copy this row as many rows as .value and 25 columns (because A:Y is 25 columns)
        Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(rngSinglecell.Value, 25).Value = _
            Range(Range("A" & rngSinglecell.Row), Range("Y" & rngSinglecell.Row)).Value

    End If

End Sub


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