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[英]Referencing a class object in java


public class User {
    String userID;
    String password;
    Integer connectID;
    String name;

    public User(String Name, String ID, String Pass, Integer connect) {
        userID = ID;
        password = Pass;
        connectID = connect;
        name = Name;

    public String getUserID() {
        return userID;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public Integer getConnectID() {
        return connectID;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

而且我的代碼中有一部分采用了某個對象的connectID並將其放入可變的connectionID = (accounts.get(i)).getConnectID(); 其中accounts是一個ArrayList,其中包含所有創建的對象。 我是否有辦法在另一個方法textWindow.append("localhost." + ... + getDateTime() + " > ");使用connectionID變量再次與該對象相關聯textWindow.append("localhost." + ... + getDateTime() + " > "); ...部分是我要在其上使用getConnectID()方法的部分。

不要將connectionID存儲為變量。 它已經存儲在User對象中。 而是將User存儲為變量,以便稍后可以再次訪問其內容:

//Before the for loop, in a wider scope, declare the User:
User user;
//Then, in the for loop, initialize it:
user = accounts.get(i);
//As it was declared outside the for loop, it can be accessed later:
textWindow.append("localhost." + "User ID: " + user.getConnectionID() + " at " + getDateTime() + " > ");//or however you wish to format it


class ConnectionID {

    private final Integer id;
    private final User user;

    ConnectionID(final Integer id,
                 final User user) {
        this.id = id;
        this.user = user;

    public getUser() {
        return this.user;



假設connectID對每個User唯一。 您可以遍歷accounts並比較connectID

public User getUser(int connectID){
    for (User user : accounts){
        if (user.getConnectID()==connectID){
            return user;
    return null;


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