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將 Socket.io 與連接到同一服務器的多個客戶端一起使用

[英]Using Socket.io with multiple clients connecting to same server


  var dgram = require('dgram');
  var client= dgram.createSocket('udp4');

    /** @requires socket.io */
  var io = require('socket.io')(http);

  /** Array of clients created to keep track of who is listening to what*/
      var clients = [];

      io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket, username){
        /** printing out the client who joined */
        console.log('New client connected (id=' + socket.id + ').');

        /** pushing new client to client array*/

      /** listening for acknowledgement message */
      client.on('message', function( message, rinfo ){
        /** creating temp array to put data in */
        var temp = [];
        /**converting data bit to bytes */
        var number= req.body.size * 2
        /** acknowledgement message is converted to a string from buffer */
        var message = message.toString();
        /** cutting hex string to correspong to requested data size*/
        var data = message.substring(0, number);
        /** converting that data to decimal */
        var data = parseInt(data, 16);
        /** adding data to data array */
        temp[0] = data
        /** emitting message to html page */
        socket.emit('temp', temp);

      /** listening if client has disconnected */
      socket.on('disconnect', function() {
          clients.splice(clients.indexOf(client), 1);
          console.log('client disconnected (id=' + socket.id + ').');


var socket = io.connect('');

  socket.on(temp', function(temp){
      var temp= temp.toString();
    var message= temp.split(',').join("<br>");
    $('#output').html('<output>' + message + '</output>');

當客戶端連接時,會向客戶端發送一個名為 temp 的隨機數。 當一個客戶端連接到服務器時,上述代碼有效。 現在你怎么能每次都設置一個新的連接? 這樣,如果打開一個選項卡,它會返回自己的隨機消息,而當打開另一個選項卡時,它會返回自己的隨機消息。

你可以嘗試這樣的事情: 服務器端:

// you have your socket ready and inside the on('connect'...) you handle a register event where the client passes an id if one exists else you create one.

socket.on('register', function(clientUuid){ // a client requests registration
      var id = clientUuid == null? uuid.v4() : clientUuid; // create an id if client doesn't already have one
      var nsp;
      var ns = "/" + id;

      var nsp = app.io.of(ns); // create a room using this id that is only for this client
      clientToRooms[ns] = nsp; // save it to a dictionary for future use

      // set up what to do on connection
      nsp.on('connection', function(nsSocket){
        console.log('someone connected');

        nsSocket.on('Info', function(data){
          // just an example


// you already have declared uuid, uuidSocket and have connected to the socket previously so you define what to do on register:
    socket.on("register", function(data){
      if (uuid == undefined || uuidSocket == undefined) {// first time we get id from server
        //save id to a variable
        uuid = data.uuid;

        // save to localstorage for further usage (optional - only if you want one client per browser e.g.)
        localStorage.setItem('socketUUID', uuid);

        uuidSocket = io(serverHost + "/" + uuid); // set up the room --> will trigger nsp.on('connect',... ) on the server

        uuidSocket.on("Info", function(data){
          //handle on Info

// initiate the register from the client
 socket.emit("register", uuid);




var io = require('socket.io')(80);

io.on('connection', function (socket) {
  socket.broadcast.emit('user connected');

從我在代碼中看到的內容來看,每個命名空間總是有一個套接字(命名空間是 URI 的路徑部分)。 所以你不能為同一個命名空間創建新的套接字,因為它們都將使用同一個套接字。



io.of(/^\/path\/([0-9a-fA-F-]+)$/).on('connection', (socket) => {
    console.log(`${socket.nsp?.name}: new connection with id '${socket.id}'`);
    const namespace = socket.nsp?.name;
    socket.on('event_for_server', ...);
    io.of(namespace).emit('event_for_client', ...);


final String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final Socket socket = IO.socket("http://.../path/" + uuid, options);
socket.on("connect", args -> {
    socket.emit("event_for_server", ...);
socket.on("event_for_client", args -> {


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