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是否存在與AWS EC2 AMI類似(或相同)的Docker映像?

[英]Is there a docker image which is similar (or the same) as AWS EC2 AMI?

我想測試一些內容,然后使用默認的AMI部署到Amazon AWS。 是否可以測試的Docker映像具有與Amazon基本AMI相同的“內容”?



→ docker run -ti amazonlinux bash
Unable to find image 'amazonlinux:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/amazonlinux
c9141092a50d: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:2010c88ac1e7c118d61793eec71dcfe0e276d72b38dd86bd3e49da1f8c48bf54
Status: Downloaded newer image for amazonlinux:latest
bash-4.2# yum search aws-apitools-ec2
Loaded plugins: ovl, priorities
amzn-main/latest                                                                                 | 2.1 kB     00:00     
amzn-main/latest/group                                                                           |  35 kB     00:01     
amzn-main/latest/primary_db                                                                      | 3.5 MB     00:22     
amzn-updates/latest                                                                              | 2.3 kB     00:00     
amzn-updates/latest/group                                                                        |  35 kB     00:00     
amzn-updates/latest/updateinfo                                                                   | 362 kB     00:01     
amzn-updates/latest/primary_db                                                                   | 498 kB     00:03     
Loaded plugins: ovl, priorities
============================================ N/S matched: aws-apitools-ec2 =============================================
aws-apitools-ec2.noarch : The API tools serve as the client interface to the Amazon EC2 web service. Use these tools to
                        : register and launch instances, manipulate security groups, and more.


docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 myhost

它將使用以下基本映像ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-20160516.1 截止到今天。 他們不斷更新。 ami取決於您所在的AWS區域。在我的案例中(ap-southeast-2),它是ami-f4361997

我相信可以在此處找到給定版本的ubuntu的ami。 https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/盡管它們僅列出了最新的ami,並且AWS落后了幾個月(20160516與20160830)。


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