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[英]Issue with protocol conformance in Swift using associatedtype

我不能使類符合使用associatedtype協議。 在Playground中,我輸入了一個簡短而簡單的示例來顯示該問題:生成ItemType兼容項的生產者和使用它們的消費者。 它跟隨:

protocol ItemType { }

protocol Producer: class {
    associatedtype T: ItemType
    func registerConsumer<C: Consumer where C.T == T>(consumer: C)

protocol Consumer: class {
    associatedtype T: ItemType
    func consume<P: Producer where P.T == T>(producer: P, item: T)

struct EmptyItem: ItemType { }

class DummyProducer: Producer {
    var consumer: DummyConsumer?

    func registerConsumer(consumer: DummyConsumer) {
        self.consumer = consumer

class DummyConsumer: Consumer {
    func consume(producer: DummyProducer, item: EmptyItem) {
        print("Received \(item) from producer \(producer)")


Playground execution failed: MyPlaygroundYeYe.playground:14:7: error: type 'DummyProducer' does not conform to protocol 'Producer'
class DummyProducer: Producer {
MyPlaygroundYeYe.playground:3:20: note: protocol requires nested type 'T'
    associatedtype T: ItemType
MyPlaygroundYeYe.playground:22:7: error: type 'DummyConsumer' does not conform to protocol 'Consumer'
class DummyConsumer: Consumer {
MyPlaygroundYeYe.playground:9:10: note: protocol requires function 'consume(_:item:)' with type '<P> (P, item: EmptyItem) -> ()' (aka '<τ_1_0> (τ_1_0, item: EmptyItem) -> ()')
    func consume<P: Producer where P.T == T>(producer: P, item: T)
MyPlaygroundYeYe.playground:23:10: note: candidate has non-matching type '(DummyProducer, item: EmptyItem) -> ()' [with T = EmptyItem]
    func consume(producer: DummyProducer, item: EmptyItem) {



class DummyProducer: Producer {
    typealias T = EmptyItem

    func registerConsumer<C: Consumer where C.T == T>(consumer: C) {


class DummyConsumer: Consumer {
    typealias T = EmptyItem

    func consume<P: Producer where P.T == T>(producer: P, item: T) {


由於您在協議定義中嚴格指定了associatedType TItemType ,因此您無法在類中僅使用EmptyItem ,因為EmptyItem不是唯一可以采用ItemType協議的結構。


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