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[英]PHP LDAP get user SID

我不知道如何在AD中獲取用戶唯一標識符(SID)。 代碼片段:

    $attribute = array("cn","objectsid","description", "group", "member", "samaccountname");
    $sr=ldap_search($this->conn_ldap, $this->ldap_dn, $filter, $attribute);

    if ($sr) 

    $this->info = ldap_get_entries($this->conn_ldap, $sr);
    if ($this->info["count"] == 1){

    return true;


echo $this->info[0]["cn"][0];


echo $this->info[0]["objectsid"][0];

在第一個輸出中我可以看到用戶的名字在類似0 @ d^ WL7 U我相信sid應該像S-......

我在另一個網站上找到了解決方案(見下文)。 基本上這個功能是轉換器,使SID可見:

public static function SIDtoString($ADsid)
   $sid = "S-";
   //$ADguid = $info[0]['objectguid'][0];
   $sidinhex = str_split(bin2hex($ADsid), 2);
   // Byte 0 = Revision Level
   $sid = $sid.hexdec($sidinhex[0])."-";
   // Byte 1-7 = 48 Bit Authority
   $sid = $sid.hexdec($sidinhex[6].$sidinhex[5].$sidinhex[4].$sidinhex[3].$sidinhex[2].$sidinhex[1]);
   // Byte 8 count of sub authorities - Get number of sub-authorities
   $subauths = hexdec($sidinhex[7]);
   //Loop through Sub Authorities
   for($i = 0; $i < $subauths; $i++) {
      $start = 8 + (4 * $i);
      // X amount of 32Bit (4 Byte) Sub Authorities
      $sid = $sid."-".hexdec($sidinhex[$start+3].$sidinhex[$start+2].$sidinhex[$start+1].$sidinhex[$start]);
   return $sid;


作為替代示例,這可以使用PHP的解包功能完全完成。 objectSid二進制結構最好記錄在此MSDN文檔中

版本(1字節) :一個8位無符號整數,指定SID的修訂級別。 該值必須設置為0x01。

SubAuthorityCount(1字節) :一個8位無符號整數,指定SubAuthority數組中的元素數。 允許的最大元素數為15。

IdentifierAuthority(6字節) :SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY結構,指示創建SID的權限。 它描述了創建SID的實體。 標識符權限值{0,0,0,0,0,5}表示由NT SID權限創建的SID。

SubAuthority(變量) :無符號32位整數的可變長度數組,唯一標識相對於IdentifierAuthority的主體。 其長度由SubAuthorityCount決定。

 * Decode the binary SID into its readable form.
 * @param string $value
 * @return string
function decodeSID($value)
    # revision - 8bit unsigned int (C1)
    # count - 8bit unsigned int (C1)
    # 2 null bytes
    # ID - 32bit unsigned long, big-endian order
    $sid = @unpack('C1rev/C1count/x2/N1id', $value);
    $subAuthorities = [];

    if (!isset($sid['id']) || !isset($sid['rev'])) {
        throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
            'The revision level or identifier authority was not found when decoding the SID.'

    $revisionLevel = $sid['rev'];
    $identifierAuthority = $sid['id'];
    $subs = isset($sid['count']) ? $sid['count'] : 0;

    // The sub-authorities depend on the count, so only get as many as the count, regardless of data beyond it
    for ($i = 0; $i < $subs; $i++) {
        # Each sub-auth is a 32bit unsigned long, little-endian order
        $subAuthorities[] = unpack('V1sub', hex2bin(substr(bin2hex($value), 16 + ($i * 8), 8)))['sub'];

    # Tack on the 'S-' and glue it all together...
    return 'S-'.$revisionLevel.'-'.$identifierAuthority.implode(
        preg_filter('/^/', '-', $subAuthorities)


function bin_to_str_sid($binsid) {
    $parts = unpack('Crev/x/nidhigh/Nidlow', $binsid);
    $ssid = sprintf('S-%u-%d',  $parts['rev'], ($parts['idhigh']<<32) + $parts['idlow']);
    $parts = unpack('x8/V*', $binsid);
    if ($parts) $ssid .= '-';
    $ssid .= join('-', $parts);
    return $ssid;


// Binary to SID
function bin_to_str_sid($binary_sid) {

    $sid = NULL;
    /* 64bt PHP */
    if(strlen(decbin(~0)) == 64)
        // Get revision, indentifier, authority 
        $parts = unpack('Crev/x/nidhigh/Nidlow', $binary_sid);
        // Set revision, indentifier, authority 
        $sid = sprintf('S-%u-%d',  $parts['rev'], ($parts['idhigh']<<32) + $parts['idlow']);
        // Translate domain
        $parts = unpack('x8/V*', $binary_sid);
        // Append if parts exists
        if ($parts) $sid .= '-';
        // Join all
        $sid.= join('-', $parts);
    /* 32bit PHP */
        $sid = 'S-';
        $sidinhex = str_split(bin2hex($binary_sid), 2);
        // Byte 0 = Revision Level
        $sid = $sid.hexdec($sidinhex[0]).'-';
        // Byte 1-7 = 48 Bit Authority
        $sid = $sid.hexdec($sidinhex[6].$sidinhex[5].$sidinhex[4].$sidinhex[3].$sidinhex[2].$sidinhex[1]);
        // Byte 8 count of sub authorities - Get number of sub-authorities
        $subauths = hexdec($sidinhex[7]);
        //Loop through Sub Authorities
        for($i = 0; $i < $subauths; $i++) {
            $start = 8 + (4 * $i);
            // X amount of 32Bit (4 Byte) Sub Authorities
            $sid = $sid.'-'.hexdec($sidinhex[$start+3].$sidinhex[$start+2].$sidinhex[$start+1].$sidinhex[$start]);
    return $sid;



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