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[英]Add images to cells of an excel sheet using selenium


請在下面的代碼中找到。 我無法決定要為Label的第三個參數傳遞什么

WebDriver driver;
String baseUrl = "http://www.google.com";

public void test() throws IOException, BiffException, RowsExceededException, WriteException {
    WebElement ele = driver.findElement(By.id("hplogo"));

    // Get entire page screenshot
    File screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
    BufferedImage fullImg = ImageIO.read(screenshot);

    // Get the location of element on the page
    Point point = ele.getLocation();

    // Get width and height of the element
    int eleWidth = ele.getSize().getWidth();
    int eleHeight = ele.getSize().getHeight();

    // Crop the entire page screenshot to get only element screenshot
    BufferedImage eleScreenshot = fullImg.getSubimage(point.getX(), point.getY(), eleWidth, eleHeight);
    ImageIO.write(eleScreenshot, "png", screenshot);

    // Copy the element screenshot to disk
    File screenshotLocation = new File("D:\\GoogleLogo_screenshot.png");
    FileUtils.copyFile(screenshot, screenshotLocation);

    String excelPath = "D:\\" +  appName + ".xls";
    File file = new File(excelPath);
    WritableWorkbook wbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(file);
    WritableSheet wsheet = wbook.createSheet("Seeds", 0);

    **Label lab = new Label(0, 0, );**





    // **Label lab = new Label(0, 0, );**
    // wsheet.addCell(lab);

    WritableImage image = new WritableImage(0, 0, 4, 6, screenshotLocation);

    // Parameters:
    // x - the column number at which to position the image
    // y - the row number at which to position the image
    // width - the number of columns cells which the image spans
    // height - the number of rows which the image spans
    // image - the source image file

您應將這兩個參數“ 4、6”替換為實際大小。


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