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在 Python OOP 中更新對象的屬性

[英]Updating properties of an object in Python OOP

我正在嘗試使用 OOP 風格在 Python 中創建一個簡單的游戲。 設置了父類,有兩個子類,一個是英雄,一個是獸人。

基本上,當英雄攻擊獸人時(反之亦然),我希望根據造成的傷害更新生命值(傷害是攻擊角色擁有的力量)。 目前,每次循環時,它都會將健康值重置為 100 的原始值。

使用 OOP 執行此操作的最佳方法是什么? 我可以用我自己的程序和凌亂的方式弄清楚如何做,但我想看看應該如何做。

class Character:
    '''Blueprint for game characters'''
    def __init__(self):
        #default values
        self.character = ""
        self.speed = 0
        self.power = 0
        self.health = 100

    def attack(self, attackObj):
        self.attacker = self.character
        self.attackerPower = self.power
        self.victim = attackObj.character
        self.victimHealth = attackObj.health
        self.newHealth = self.victimHealth - self.attackerPower
        print(self.character, "you have chosen to attack", self.victim)
        print(self.victim, "you have suffered", self.attackerPower, "damage and     your health is now", self.newHealth)

class Hero(Character):
    '''Inherits from character to create hero'''
    def __init__(self):
        self.character = "Hero"
        self.speed = 8
        self.power = 9
        print(self.character, "you have",self.speed, "speed,", self.power, "power and", self.health, "health.")

class Ork(Character):
    '''Inherits from character to create ork'''
    def __init__(self):
        self.character = "Ork"
        self.speed = 2
        self.power = 8
        print(self.character, "you have",self.speed, "speed,", self.power,     "power and", self.health, "health.")

def main():
    charclass = Character()
    hero = Hero()
    ork = Ork()

    endLoop = False
    while endLoop == False:
        print("Please choose your character by typing the corresponding key: ")
        print("H for hero")
        print("O for ork")
        charChoice = input()
        if charChoice in ("H", "h", "hero", "Hero"):
            charChoice = hero
            enemy = ork
            hero = Hero()

        elif charChoice in ("O", "o", "ork", "Ork"):
            charChoice = ork
            enemy = hero

        print("Please choose an action by typing the corresponding key: ")
        print("A to attack")
        actionChoice = input()
        if actionChoice in ("A", "a"):
            print("Nothing chosen!")

        finishedYN = input("Have you finished? Y/N ")
        if finishedYN in ("Y", "y", "Yes", "yes", "YES"):
            print("You have chosen to end the game...")
            endloop = True

if __name__ == "__main__":

快速修復您的代碼。 刪除所有這些不必要的屬性,例如self.attacker (即self )、 self.attackPower (即self.power )。 self.victim = attackObj.character只是給你的對象一個新的屬性,它與任何attackObj.character是相同的字符串。 類似地,這個: self.newHealth = self.victimHealth - self.attackerPower每次調用該方法時都會創建一個新屬性,該屬性始終為 100 - self.attack

def attack(self, attackObj):
    attackObj.health -= self.power
    print(self.character, "you have chosen to attack", attackObj.character)
    print(attackObj.character, "you have suffered", self.power, "damage and     your health is now", attackObj.health)

實際上,更好的方法是添加改變對象的方法,這些方法將用作對象與其他對象交互方式的接口。 因此,例如:

class Character:
    '''Blueprint for game characters'''
    def __init__(self):
        #default values
        self.character = ""
        self.speed = 0
        self.power = 0
        self.health = 100

    def attack(self, victim):

    def receive_damage(raw_damage):
        self.health -= raw_damage

這提高了代碼的可擴展性。 你可以更輕松地實施了“發燒友”系統,或者添加一個“鎧甲”的元素,會影響你如何收到損害,而不必更改代碼attack 您可以在子類中覆蓋這些方法。 所以,也許你希望所有的獸人有“thickskin”,並在Ork

    def receive_damage(raw_damage):
        self.health -= raw_damage*self.thickskin_modifier

Ork__init__設置self.thickskin_modifier地方。 它可能類似於 0.9。


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