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[英]How to add the new value and update the existing value in array of objects on button click in angularjs?

我在單擊按鈕時將對象值插入數組中,如果在單擊按鈕時數組中已經存在對象,我想更新那些對象的值。 我怎樣才能做到這一點 ? 我正在使用push函數添加數組中的值,如下所示:

$scope.demoarray = [];

                        sample key1: $scope.demovalue1,
                        sample key2: $scope.demovalue2     
    $scope.demoarray = [];

                            sample key1: $scope.demovalue1,
                            sample key2: $scope.demovalue2     

    //if there is elements of array
    //reset the array
    //$scope.demoarray = [];
    //or push
    //or update item by index
    //$scope.demoarray[1] = {"newKey","newValue"}

    if($scope.demoarray[0]["sample key1"]){
    //if there is value of key exists in the first item of array
    //$scope.demoarray[0] = {};
    //delete $scope.demoarray[0]["sample key1"];
    //$scope.demoarray[1]["sample key1"]//key of 2nd item
    //$scope.demoarray[2]["sample key1"]//key of 3nd

    if($scope.demoarray[0]["sample key1"]=="specific"){
    //take any action
    //and you can loop over all items using for
   for(var i=0;i<$scope.demoarray.length;i++){
   //use any if statements above working with i as index
   for(var k in $scope.demoarray[i]){
   console.log(k +" : "+ $scope.demoarray[i][k]);


$scope.demoarray = [];
var index1=-1;
var index2=-1;
var recordToBeAdded:{
             key1: $scope.demovalue1,
             key2: $scope.demovalue2};
   index1 = $scope.demoarray.findIndex(x=>x.key1===recordToBeAdded.key1) //find index of 1st key
   index2 = $scope.demoarray.findIndex(x=>x.key1===recordToBeAdded.key2) // find index of 2nd key

  if(index1==-1 && index2==-1) // add if record is new
  else if(index1!==-1) // add edit same record if found 1st key matched
   $scope.demoarray[index1] = recordToBeAdded
 else{ // edit record if 2nd key matched
     $scope.demoarray[index2] = recordToBeAdded


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