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[英]“expected expression” error on goto label (non-local goto)

是的,我知道Esdger Dijkstra說你不應該使用goto ,但他不是上帝。 我認為只要不過度使用無條件分支就可以了。 通過過度使用分支語句過度使用繼承,您就有可能創建不可讀的代碼。

無論如何,既然我已經完成了先發制人的反駁,那么這就是我寫的節目。 它應該從文件中讀取代碼(最終我希望它讀取HTML代碼,但我現在使用自己的簡化標記語言,因為它更容易)並將其轉換為可用作enscript程序輸入的格式。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define INPUT_ERROR 1

void writecolor( FILE *, float, float, float );
unsigned short hextonum( char );

char escape = '\0'; // Default for enscript

int main( int argc, char **argv ){
    FILE *in;
    FILE *out;
    if( argv[1] ){
        in = fopen( argv[1], "r" );
        in = stdin;
    if( argv[2] ){
        out = fopen( argv[2], "w" );
        out = stdout;
    char c;       // Input character
    float red;    // Red value from hex code
    float green;  // Green value from hex code
    float blue;   // Blue value from hex code
    int line = 1; // Current line number, used for error reporting
    while( (c = fgetc( in )) != EOF ){
        if( c == '\\' ){
            if( fgetc( in ) == '#' ){
                red = (float) hextonum( fgetc( in ) ) * 10 / 16 * 0.1 + (float) hextonum( fgetc( in ) ) * 10 / 16 * 0.01;
                green = (float) hextonum( fgetc( in ) ) * 10 / 16 * 0.1 + (float) hextonum( fgetc( in ) ) * 10 / 16 * 0.01;
                blue = (float) hextonum( fgetc( in ) ) * 10 / 16 * 0.1 + (float) hextonum( fgetc( in ) ) * 10 / 16 * 0.01;
                writecolor( out, red, green, blue );
            fputc( c, out );
        if( c == '\n' ){
    fclose( in );
    fclose( out );
    return 0;
    :infile_error // XXX goto in hextonum branches here
    fprintf( stderr, "%s: Error on line %d of input file.\n", argv[0], line );
    return INPUT_ERROR;

// Converts a color code in the markup to a color code
// recognized by enscript
void writecolor( FILE *fp, float red, float green, float blue ){
    fwrite( &escape, 1, 1, fp );
    fprintf( fp, "color{%f %f %f}", red, green, blue );

// Converts a hex digit to its corresponding value
unsigned short hextonum( char hex ){
    if( hex >= '0' && hex <= '9' ){
        return atoi( hex );
    switch( hex ){
        case( 'a' ) : case( 'A' ) : return 0xa;
        case( 'b' ) : case( 'B' ) : return 0xb;
        case( 'c' ) : case( 'C' ) : return 0xc;
        case( 'd' ) : case( 'D' ) : return 0xd;
        case( 'e' ) : case( 'E' ) : return 0xe;
        case( 'f' ) : case( 'F' ) : return 0xf;
    // Okay, I think rather than putting an if statement
    // around every piece of code that uses this function,
    // I'm just going to jump to an error code in the
    // main function.
    goto infile_error;

這是一項非常重要的工作,目前還遠未達到完美甚至功能。 我只是想知道為什么我一直收到以下錯誤:

html2enscript.c:50:2: error: expected expression
        :infile_error // XXX goto in hextonum branches here




Configured with: --prefix=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple LLVM version 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.31)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin15.0.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin

這里有兩個問題。 首先是您的goto標簽未正確指定。





第二個問題,即較大的問題,是你試圖使用goto跳轉到另一個函數。 這是不允許的。

看來你正試圖實現某種異常機制。 但是,C不支持此功能。


如果你真的想做一個非本地的goto ,你可以用setjmplongjmp來做。 這與你在C中的異常處理一樣接近。

jmp_buf hextonum_err;

int main( int argc, char **argv ){
    if (setjmp(hextonum_err) != 0) {
        goto infile_error;
    while( (c = fgetc( in )) != EOF ){

unsigned short hextonum( char hex ){
    if( hex >= '0' && hex <= '9' ){
        // don't use atoi here as that expects a string
        return hex - '0';
    switch( hex ){
        case( 'a' ) : case( 'A' ) : return 0xa;
        case( 'b' ) : case( 'B' ) : return 0xb;
        case( 'c' ) : case( 'C' ) : return 0xc;
        case( 'd' ) : case( 'D' ) : return 0xd;
        case( 'e' ) : case( 'E' ) : return 0xe;
        case( 'f' ) : case( 'F' ) : return 0xf;
    longjmp(hextonum_err, 1);
    // never reached, but put here because compiler will warn on non returning a value
    return 0;




int readcolor( FILE *stream, float *red, float *green, float *blue )
  float *rgb[3];
  rgb[0] = red;
  rgb[1] = green;
  rgb[2] = blue;

  for ( size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    int b0 = fgetc( stream );
    int b1 = fgetc( stream );

    if ( b0 == EOF || b1 == EOF )
      return 0;

    *rgb[i] = hextonum( b0 ) * 10.0f / 16.0f * 0.1f + 
              hextonum( b1 ) * 10.0f / 16.0f * 0.1f;
  return 1;


if( fgetc( in ) == '#' )
  if ( readcolor( in, &red, &green, &blue ) )
    writecolor( out, red, green, blue );



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