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[英]Improve performance when update objects in array with External Data input

我需要更新數組中的特定對象。 有一個具有相同鍵但值不同的外部數據輸入(對象數組)。 我需要使用基於鍵的新數組更新舊數組。 目前,我使用四個for循環來更新數組。 如果oldData []有200多個項目,而newData []有100+多個項目,則性能會很差。 我想知道是否有更好的方法可以做到這一點。


/* Object structure needs to stay the same*/
    var oldData = [
          name : 'Bill\'s Truck',
          type : 'Truck',
          speed: 50,
          string: 'This is a huge string I also need to update'
          name : 'Jay\'s Van',
          type : 'Van',
          speed: 60,
          string: 'This is a huge string I also need to update'
    $scope.oldData= oldData;

    /*This data is actually from external API*/
    var newData = [
          name : 'Bill\'s Truck',
          type : 'Truck',
          speed: 80

    /*Is there any better way to do this?*/
    for(var old_index in oldData){
      var old_device = oldData[old_index];
      for(var old_deviceID in old_device){
        for(var new_index in newData){
           var new_device = newData[new_index];
           for(var new_deviceID in new_device){
              if(old_deviceID === new_deviceID){
                 console.log('Gotcha' + old_deviceID);
                 oldData[old_index] = angular.copy(new_device);

可行的jsfiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/Lvc0u55v/11253/


  1. Object.keys簡化內部循環。

  2. 訪問所需的屬性(假設只需要在此處更新speed ),而不是遍歷所有屬性-您可以使用angular.copy整個對象。


 var oldData=[{10001:{name:"Bill's Truck",type:"Truck",speed:50,string:"This is a huge string I also need to update"}},{56781:{name:"Jay's Van",type:"Van",speed:60,string:"This is a huge string I also need to update"}}]; var newData=[{10001:{name:"Bill Dodge Ram",type:"Truck",speed:80}}]; oldData.forEach(function(element) { if (Object.keys(element)[0] === Object.keys(this[0])[0]) { element[Object.keys(element)[0]].speed = this[0][Object.keys(this[0])[0]].speed; } }, newData); console.log(oldData); 

您可以使用angular.merge(oldData, newData)內置的angular方法來合並對象,如Angularjs文檔中對angular.merge 此外,還有angular.extends ,它僅合並對象的第一級而不會像angular.merge那樣遞歸深入。


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