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[英]NodeJS routing -




我使用eventEmitter的原因是,如果我用mongoose嵌套兩個數據庫請求,它將先執行父操作,然后執行其子操作,因此我必須確保第一個操作完成才能運行第二個。 但這並不是問題代碼起作用,而只是我第一次運行它時。 以前從未遇到過這個問題,我真的很好奇發生了什么


// loads people user has chatted with
router.get('/loadUserChats', function(req, res) {
    var hostID = req.query.id;
    let list = [];
    let readyToSend = true;

    // gets photos for each user in the 'list'
    eventEmitter.on('addPictureToObjects', function() {
        list.forEach(function(listItem, i) {
            User.findOne({_id: listItem.id}, 'photo', function(err, guest) {
                listItem.photo = guest.photo;
                // if this is the last one send json object back
                if (i+1 == list.length) {
                    res.json({list: list});

    // get the user
    User.findOne({_id: hostID}, function(err, user) {
        // checks if user has chatted at all
        if (user.chat) {
            // loops through the chat
            user.chat.forEach(function(chat) {
                var photoURL = "";
                // push the chat info so later we can load messages
                // by its ID
                    id: chat.user.id,
                    name: chat.user.name
            // okay, now that we are done looping lets add photos
            // to each one of those so it looks better


  throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
  at ServerResponse.OutgoingMessage.setHeader (_http_outgoing.js:344:11)
  at ServerResponse.header (/home/knox97/Documents/agro/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:719:10)
  at ServerResponse.json (/home/knox97/Documents/agro/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:247:10)
  at /home/knox97/Documents/agro/routes/api.js:249:10
  at Query.<anonymous> (/home/knox97/Documents/agro/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:3357:16)
  at /home/knox97/Documents/agro/node_modules/kareem/index.js:259:21
  at /home/knox97/Documents/agro/node_modules/kareem/index.js:127:16
  at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
  at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)


將事件發射器從路由處理程序中拉出。 每次路由處理程序運行時,都會為'addPictureToObjects'添加另一個事件處理程序。 您確實想在每個請求上都發出該事件,但又不想在每個請求上都只注冊一次該事件處理程序。

您收到錯誤消息"Can't set headers after they are sent." 因為第一個事件處理程序運行,所以迭代list所有項目,然后調用res.json將響應發送回客戶端。 但是,由於您為每個請求注冊了多個事件處理程序,因此該代碼將運行兩次該代碼(或三次,四次等,具體取決於您打了那條路線的次數並每次注冊一個新的事件處理程序)。 在該代碼的后續運行中,當第二次進入res.json時,它會錯誤地指出無法再修改響應,因為該響應已經發送回了客戶端。

// gets photos for each user in the 'list'
eventEmitter.on('addPictureToObjects', function(list, res) {
  list.forEach(function(listItem, i) {
    User.findOne({_id: listItem.id}, 'photo', function(err, guest) { 
      listItem.photo = guest.photo;
      // if this is the last one send json object back
      if (i+1 == list.length) {
        res.json({list: list});

// loads people user has chatted with
router.get('/loadUserChats', function(req, res) {
  var hostID = req.query.id;
  let list = [];
  let readyToSend = true;

  // get the user
  User.findOne({_id: hostID}, function(err, user) {
    // checks if user has chatted at all
    if (user.chat) {
      // loops through the chat
      user.chat.forEach(function(chat) {
        var photoURL = "";
        // push the chat info so later we can load messages
        // by its ID
          id: chat.user.id,
          name: chat.user.name
      // okay, now that we are done looping lets add photos
      // to each one of those so it looks better
      eventEmitter.emit('addPictureToObjects', list, res);

您也可以將eventEmitter.on更改為eventEmitter.once ,這也可以解決您的問題。 .once注冊事件處理程序,但在其運行后注銷。 但是,在您的代碼中似乎毫無意義,因為似乎沒有理由注冊處理程序並在每次請求時一遍又一遍地注銷它,因此在請求處理程序之外注冊事件處理程序似乎是理想的解決方案。

這不是您的實際問題,但是您不需要此處的事件發射器。 它仍然在執行第一個數據庫請求,然后在該請求的回調中發出執行第二個請求的事件。 它仍在執行一個請求,然后執行另一個請求。 事件發射器沒有改變。 以下代碼與上面的代碼等效:

// loads people user has chatted with
router.get('/loadUserChats', function(req, res) {
  var hostID = req.query.id;
  let list = [];
  let readyToSend = true;

  // get the user
  User.findOne({_id: hostID}, function(err, user) {
    // checks if user has chatted at all
    if (user.chat) {
      // loops through the chat
      user.chat.forEach(function(chat) {
        var photoURL = "";
        // push the chat info so later we can load messages
        // by its ID
          id: chat.user.id,
          name: chat.user.name
      // okay, now that we are done looping lets add photos
      // to each one of those so it looks better
      list.forEach(function(listItem, i) {
        User.findOne({_id: listItem.id}, 'photo', function(err, guest) { 
          listItem.photo = guest.photo;
          // if this is the last one send json object back
          if (i+1 == list.length) {
            res.json({list: list});


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