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[英]Getting session cookie data on initial page load following a redirect from a server (Node and React)

我正在嘗試構建令牌系統,以允許通過電子郵件鏈接進行身份驗證。 我認為可能有效的流程是...


最后一步是我遇到麻煩了。 如何從組件內部檢測到存在會話cookie?

我在我的React auth組件中想到了這樣的事情:

class AuthenticatedComponent extends Component {
   componentWillMount() {
      if (cookie) {


我們為我們的應用實現了非常相似的方法。 為此,我們在Node中而不是實際組件中處理所有登錄。

  1. 檢查查詢字符串中是否提供了令牌
  2. 將令牌傳遞到服務器以進行驗證
  3. 如果令牌有效,請像普通用戶/密碼登錄一樣創建cookie。
  4. 重定向調用到原始URL,沒有令牌


// I abstracted the login functionality into one call since it's the same for us
var handleAuthRequest = function handleAuthRequest(auth_body, req, res, next) {
  request ({
    method: 'POST',
    uri: Constants.API_LOGIN_URL,
    body: auth_body,
    json: true
  }, (error, response, body) => {
    if (response.statusCode === 200) {
      // this makes a cookie with the response of the body (auth token)
      ssoUtils.generateCookies(body, res)
      // this redirects to the initial url, with the provided cookie. 
      // Assuming your router already doesn't allow certain components to be accessed 
      // without a cookie, it would work the same for the login_token auth too.
    else {

// this needs to come before any other routes
app.use((req, res, next) => {
// check if login_token query string was provided
if (req.query.hasOwnProperty('login_token')) {
  var {login_token} = req.query
  // API call to server to validate token
  var jwtToken = jwt.sign({
    sub: login_token
  }, Constants.API_JWT_SECRET)
  // modify the redirect url to remove the token
  let parsed = url.parse(req.url)
  delete req.query['login_token']
  let newUrl = parsed.pathname + '?' + qs.stringify(req.query)
  req.url = newUrl
  // call the generic login handler
  return handleAuthRequest({link_token: jwtToken}, req, res, next)

假設您的服務器將從登錄中返回相同的響應或一個有效的鏈接令牌,那么這只會將調用重定向回現有的過程,因此不需要單獨的功能客戶端。 如您所見,我們還在JWT中對令牌進行簽名,以確保只有從我們的應用程序發送的令牌才能被服務器接受。

我們使用React Router來處理客戶端路由。 您的onEnter檢查初始路線將如下所示。


// token is passed in from our cookie by both the client and server 
module.exports = function (token, userAgent, originalUrl) {
  function isToken() {
    return token !== undefined && token !== null;
  function ifNoTokenRedirect(nextState, replaceState) {
  // check if token is set from cookie
    if (!isToken()) {
      replaceState({ nextPathname: nextState.location.pathname}, '/signup?  redirect=' + originalUrl.pathname);
  return (
    // the actual routes


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