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[英]compilation errors due to my if statement

我顯然不明白我在這里做什么……我可以肯定我的錯誤僅在我包含的代碼中,但是我也有其他類。 如果我可以將其重命名為更好的標題,請告訴我,或者如果我可以包含更多信息,請告訴我。 從我在該網站上看到的信息來看,我相信你們會確切地知道編譯錯誤的含義,並且知道我做錯了什么。


import java.io.PrintStream;
public class Shape
   public static void init( String args[] )
      Shape[] shapes = new Shape[ 4 ];
      shapes[ 0 ] = new Circle( 22, 88, 4 );
      shapes[ 1 ] = new Square( 71, 96, 10 );
      shapes[ 2 ] = new Sphere( 8, 89, 2 );
      shapes[ 3 ] = new Cube( 79, 61, 8 );

      for ( Shape currentShape : shape );
         System.out.printf( "%s: %s", 
         currentShape.getName(), currentShape );

         Object localObject;

         if ( currentShape objectof TwoDimensionalShape )
             localObject = (TwoDimensionalShape)currentShape; 

            TwoDimensionalShape twoDimensionalShape = 
               ( TwoDimensionalShape ) currentShape;

            System.out.printf( "%s's area is %s\n", 
               currentShape.getName(), twoDimensionalShape.getArea() );

         if ( currentShape objectof ThreeDimensionalShape; )
            ThreeDimensionalShape threeDimensionalShape = 
               ( ThreeDimensionalShape ) currentShape;

            System.out.printf( "%s's area is %s\n", 
               currentShape.getName(), threeDimensionalShape.getArea() );
            System.out.printf( "%s's volume is %s\n",
               threeDimensionalShape.getVolume() );



ShapeTest.java:21: error: ')' expected
         if ( currentShape objectof TwoDimensionalShape )
ShapeTest.java:21: error: ';' expected
         if ( currentShape objectof TwoDimensionalShape )
ShapeTest.java:21: error: variable declaration not allowed here
         if ( currentShape objectof TwoDimensionalShape )
ShapeTest.java:33: error: ')' expected
         if (( currentShape objectof ThreeDimensionalShape; ))
ShapeTest.java:33: error: illegal start of expression
         if (( currentShape objectof ThreeDimensionalShape; ))
ShapeTest.java:33: error: illegal start of expression
         if (( currentShape objectof ThreeDimensionalShape; ))
6 errors

Java中沒有objectof運算符,我認為您的意思是instanceof 此外,其中一種情況中存在分號放錯的地方。 重寫這樣的條件:

if (currentShape instanceof TwoDimensionalShape)
if (currentShape instanceof ThreeDimensionalShape)


在第21行中,將if (currentShape objectof TwoDimensionalShape)替換為if (currentShape objectof TwoDimensionalShape) if(currentShape instanceof TwoDimensionalShape){ //more code }

在第33行中, if (currentShape objectof ThreeDimensionalShape;)if(currentShape instanceof ThreeDimensionalShape){ //more code }


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