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[英]Find Empty Cell from activecell in a range


Sub FindNextCell()
'Macro1 Macro

Cells.Find(What:="", _
             After:=Range("F2:I22")(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, _
             Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1)), _
             LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, _
             SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
             SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
             MatchCase:=False, _
End Sub


當然, Find可能不返回任何結果(以防在指定范圍內找不到另一個空單元格),這就是為什么我們添加If Not EmptyRng Is Nothing Then

Option Explicit

Sub FindNextCell()

Dim FindRng As Range, EmptyRng As Range

' define the Range to search according to ActiveCell current row
Set FindRng = Range("F" & ActiveCell.Row & ":I" & ActiveCell.Row)

' COMMENT : need to cheat a little to get the first cell founds in the searched range
'           by starting from the last column in the range, Column "I"
'           Otherwise, will return the second cell found in the searched range
Set EmptyRng = FindRng.Find(What:="", after:=Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "I"), _
                            LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)

' found an empty cell in the specified range
If Not EmptyRng Is Nothing Then
Else ' unable to find an empty cell in the specified range
    MsgBox "Unable to find an empty cell in " & FindRng.Address & " Range"
End If

End Sub


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