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[英]How to create compile-time templatized set/array/vector with fibonacci numbers using templates?


template<typename U, ...more specialization... > class A {

    static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<U>::value, "U type must be arithmetic");

        const std::set<U> fibonacci = ???; //May be any structure with iterators, not necessarily set

    ...more code...    


“ fibonacci”必須是在編譯時創建的結構,其中包含所有類型為U的斐波那契數 ,從1到小於max_U的最大可能斐波那契數。 由於我不知道類型U是什么(我只知道它是算術的),因此我必須以某種方式檢查可以生成多少個數字。 我嘗試了許多不同的方法,但沒有一個起作用。


template <typename U, size_t N>
constexpr U Fib() {
    if (N <= 1) return 1; //was N < 1 (incorrect)
    return Fib<U, N-1>() + Fib<U, N-2>();

template <typename U, size_t n, typename ... Args>
constexpr std::set<U> make_fibonacci_set(Args ...Fn) {
    if (Fib<U, n>() <= Fib<U, n-1>()) {
        return std::set<U> {{Fn...}};
    else {
        return make_fibonacci_set<U, n+1>(Fn..., Fib<U, n>());

at class A...: const std::set<U> fibonacci = make_fibonacci_set<U, 2>(1);


由於語言的怪異,如所寫, Fib()make_fibonacci_set()將具有無限遞歸(具體來說,據我所知,問題是,雖然只選擇了一個分支,但兩個分支都被求值;這使編譯器實例化遞歸分支所需的模板,即使選擇了另一個,也會生成無限的實例化)。 據我了解, constexpr if可以很好地解決這個問題; 但是,我目前無法訪問任何支持它的編譯器,因此此答案將改寫前者以依賴於助手(這樣可以進行內省,並有助於制作一個完全編譯時的容器類),並使用SFINAE將后者分為兩個不同的函數(將彼此的return語句隱藏在另一個函數中)。


// Check for MSVC, enable dummy parameter if we're using it.
#ifdef    _MSC_VER
    #define MSVC_DUMMY int MSVCDummy = 0
#else  // _MSC_VER
    #define MSVC_DUMMY
#endif // _MSC_VER

現在,代碼本身。 首先,是Fib()的助手。

namespace detail {
    // Error indicating.
    // Use 4 to indicate overflow, since it's not a Fibonacci number.
    // Can safely be replaced with any number that isn't in the Fibonacci sequence.
    template<typename U>
    constexpr U FibOverflowIndicator = 4;

    // -----

    // Fibonacci sequence.

    template<typename U, size_t N>
    struct Fib {
        static constexpr U getFib();

        // Initialised by helper function, so we can indicate when we overflow U's bounds.
        static constexpr U val = getFib();

    // Special cases: 0 and 1.
    template<typename U>
    struct Fib<U, 0> {
        static constexpr U val = 1;

    template<typename U>
    struct Fib<U, 1> {
        static constexpr U val = 1;

    // Initialiser.
    template<typename U, size_t N>
    constexpr U Fib<U, N>::getFib() {
        // Calculate number as largest unsigned type available, to catch potential overflow.
        // May emit warnings if type actually is largest_unsigned_t, and the value overflows.

        // Check for existence of 128-bit unsigned types, or fall back to uintmax_t if none are available.
        // Update with any other platform- or compiler-specific checks and type names as necessary.
        // Note: GCC will emit warnings about use of __int128, if -Wpedantic is specified.
        #ifdef    __SIZEOF_INT128__
            using largest_unsigned_t = unsigned __int128;
        #else  // __SIZEOF_INT128__
            using largest_unsigned_t = std::uintmax_t;
        #endif // __SIZEOF_INT128__

        largest_unsigned_t temp = static_cast<largest_unsigned_t>(Fib<U, N-1>::val) +
                                  Fib<U, N-2>::val;

        // Cast number back to actual type, and make sure that:
        //  1. It's larger than the previous number.
        //  2. We didn't already overflow.
        // If we're good, return the number.  Otherwise, return overflow indicator.
        return ((static_cast<U>(temp) <= Fib<U, N-1>::val) ||
                Fib<U, N-1>::val == FibOverflowIndicator<U>
                  ? FibOverflowIndicator<U>
                  : static_cast<U>(temp));

    // -----

    // Introspection.

    template<typename U, size_t N>
    constexpr bool isValidFibIndex() {
        return Fib<U, N>::val != FibOverflowIndicator<U>;

    template<typename U, size_t N = 0>
    constexpr std::enable_if_t<!isValidFibIndex<U, N + 1>(), U>
    greatestStoreableFib(MSVC_DUMMY) {
        return Fib<U, N>::val;

    template<typename U, size_t N = 0>
    constexpr std::enable_if_t<isValidFibIndex<U, N + 1>(), U>
    greatestStoreableFib() {
        return greatestStoreableFib<U, N + 1>();

    template<typename U, size_t N = 0>
    constexpr std::enable_if_t<!isValidFibIndex<U, N + 1>(), size_t>
    greatestStoreableFibIndex(MSVC_DUMMY) {
        return N;

    template<typename U, size_t N = 0>
    constexpr std::enable_if_t<isValidFibIndex<U, N + 1>(), size_t>
    greatestStoreableFibIndex() {
        return greatestStoreableFibIndex<U, N + 1>();
} // namespace detail

這使我們可以輕松定義Fib() ,並提供一種方便的內省方法。

template<typename U, size_t N>
constexpr U Fib() {
    return detail::Fib<U, N>::val;

template<typename U>
struct FibLimits {
    // The largest Fibonacci number that can be stored in a U.
    static constexpr U GreatestStoreableFib = detail::greatestStoreableFib<U>();

    // The position, in the Fibonacci sequence, of the largest Fibonacci number that U can store.
    //  Position is zero-indexed.
    static constexpr size_t GreatestStoreableFibIndex = detail::greatestStoreableFibIndex<U>();

    // The number of distinct Fibonacci numbers U can store.
    static constexpr size_t StoreableFibNumbers = GreatestStoreableFibIndex + 1;

    // True if U can store the number at position N in the Fibonacci sequence.
    //  Starts with 0, as with GreatestStoreableFibIndex.
    template<size_t N>
    static constexpr bool IsValidIndex = detail::isValidFibIndex<U, N>();

現在,對於make_fibonacci_set() 我改變了這個工作的方式。 具體來說,我將其包裝為另一個名為make_fibonacci_seq()函數的包裝,該函數是更通用的版本,適用於任何有效容器。

// Fibonacci number n is too large to fit in U, let's return the sequence.
template<typename U, typename Container, size_t n, U... us>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<Fib<U, n>() == detail::FibOverflowIndicator<U>, Container>
make_fibonacci_seq(MSVC_DUMMY) {
    return {{us...}};

// Fibonacci number n can fit inside a U, continue.
template<typename U, typename Container, size_t n, U... us>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<Fib<U, n>() != detail::FibOverflowIndicator<U>, Container>
make_fibonacci_seq() {
    return make_fibonacci_seq<U, Container, n+1, us..., Fib<U, n>()>();

// Wrapper for std::set<U>.
template<typename U, size_t n>
constexpr auto make_fibonacci_set() {
    return make_fibonacci_seq<U, std::set<U>, n>();


template<typename U> class A {
    static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<U>::value, "U type must be arithmetic");

        // Assign to std::set.
        const std::set<U> fibonacci = make_fibonacci_set<U, 0>();

        // Assign to any container.
        const std::vector<U> fibonacci_v = make_fibonacci_seq<U, std::vector<U>, 0>();

但是,如果希望在編譯時創建fibonacci ,則必須為LiteralType ,該類型可以在編譯時創建。 std::set<T>不是LiteralType ,因此不能用於編譯時Fibonacci序列。 因此,如果要保證在編譯時構造它,則希望您的類使用可編譯時構造的容器,例如std::array 方便地, make_fibonacci_seq()可讓您指定容器,因此...

// Use FibLimits to determine bounds for default container.
template<typename U, typename Container = std::array<U, FibLimits<U>::StoreableFibNumbers>>
class Fibonacci {
    static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<U>::value, "U type must be arithmetic.");
    static_assert(std::is_literal_type<Container>::value, "Container type must be a LiteralType.");

    using container_type = Container;

    static constexpr Container fibonacci = make_fibonacci_seq<U, Container, 0>();
template<typename U, typename Container>
constexpr Container Fibonacci<U, Container>::fibonacci;

// -----

// Alternative, more robust version.

// Conditionally constexpr Fibonacci container wrapper; Fibonacci will be constexpr if LiteralType container is supplied.
// Use FibLimits to determine bounds for default container.
template<typename U,
         typename Container = std::array<U, FibLimits<U>::StoreableFibNumbers>,
         bool = std::is_literal_type<Container>::value>
class Fibonacci;

// Container is constexpr.
template<typename U, typename Container>
class Fibonacci<U, Container, true> {
    static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<U>::value, "U type must be arithmetic.");
    static_assert(std::is_literal_type<Container>::value, "Container type must be a LiteralType.");

    using container_type = Container;

    static constexpr Container fibonacci = make_fibonacci_seq<U, Container, 0>();
    static constexpr bool is_constexpr = true;
template<typename U, typename Container>
constexpr Container Fibonacci<U, Container, true>::fibonacci;

// Container isn't constexpr.
template<typename U, typename Container>
class Fibonacci<U, Container, false> {
    static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<U>::value, "U type must be arithmetic.");

    using container_type = Container;

    static const Container fibonacci;
    static constexpr bool is_constexpr = false;
template<typename U, typename Container>
const Container Fibonacci<U, Container, false>::fibonacci = make_fibonacci_seq<U, Container, 0>();

看到它在行動這里 (原鏈接在此 )。


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