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aws cli dynamo db (ValidationException) 錯誤

[英]aws cli dynamo db (ValidationException) Error

我正在尋找使用 python 的 boto3 模塊向 dynamodb 批量寫入項目,我得到了這個。 這是我第一次使用 aws cli 或 boto3。 文檔說當存在空值和可能不正確的數據類型時會發生驗證異常錯誤,但我已經玩過所有這些並且它似乎不起作用。

dynamodb 是否只喜歡一次寫入 25 個項目? 如果是這樣,我如何控制這些批次?


client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
response = client.batch_write_item(RequestItems=batch_dict)

batch_dict 的頂部:

{'scraper_exact_urls': [{'PutRequest': {'Item': {'Sku': {'S': 'T104P3'},
 'pps_id': {'N': '427285976'},
 'scraper_class_name': {'S': 'scraper_class_name'},
 'store_id': {'N': '1197386754'},
 'updated_by': {'S': 'user'},
 'updated_on': {'N': '1480714223'},
 'updated_url': {'S': 'http://www.blah.com'}}}},
 {'PutRequest': {'Item': {'Sku': {'S': 'T104P3'},
 'pps_id': {'N': '427285976'},
 'scraper_class_name': {'S': 'scraper_class_name'},
 'store_id': {'N': '1197386754'},
 'updated_by': {'S': 'user'},
 'updated_on': {'N': '1480714223'},
 'updated_url': {'S': 'http://www.blah.com'}}}},....


屬性:“pps_id”=>\\Aws\\DynamoDb\\Enum\\Type::NUMBER、“sku”=>\\Aws\\DynamoDb\\Enum\\Type::STRING、“scraper_class_name”=>\\Aws\\DynamoDb\\Enum\\Type: :STRING, "store_id"=>\\Aws\\DynamoDb\\Enum\\Type::NUMBER, "updated_url"=>\\Aws\\DynamoDb\\Enum\\Type::STRING, "updated_by"=>\\Aws\\DynamoDb\\Enum\\Type ::STRING, "updated_on"=>\\Aws\\DynamoDb\\Enum\\Type::NUMBER, 字段: "pps_id", "scraper_class_name",


ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the    BatchWriteItem operation: 1 validation error detected: Value .... Map value   must satisfy constraint: [Member must have length less than or equal to 25,   Member must have length greater than or equal to 1]

BatchWriteItem API 一次處理 25 個項目。 您可以使用以下改編自非復制批處理問題的代碼,在 25 個項目塊上調用 BatchWriteItem

def batch(iterable, n=1):
    l = len(iterable)
    for ndx in range(0, l, n):
        yield iterable[ndx:min(ndx + n, l)]

client = boto3.client('dynamodb')

for x in batch(batch_dict['scraper_exact_urls'], 25):
    subbatch_dict = {'scraper_exact_urls': x}
    response = client.batch_write_item(RequestItems=subbatch_dict)

這是批量寫入/刪除許多項目的 Javascript 版本,以防有人需要它:

const batchWriteManyItems = async (tableName, itemObjs, chunkSize = 25) => {

        const buildParams = (table) => JSON.parse(`{"RequestItems": {"${table}": []}}`)

        const queryChunk = (arr, size) => {
            const tempArr = []
            for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += size) {
                tempArr.push(arr.slice(i, i + size));

            return tempArr

        await Promise.all(queryChunk(itemObjs, chunkSize).map(async chunk => {
            let itemParams = buildParams(tableName);
            itemParams.RequestItems[tableName] = chunk
            await dynamoDB.batchWriteItem(itemParams).promise()

注意:itemObjs 屬性可以將{PutRequest: {Item: ...}用於寫入項目和{DeleteRequest: {Item: ...}用於刪除項目


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