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[英]Add <span> tags using jQuery or Javascript?


 #myspan{ color: #db1926; } 
 <div id="myDiv">Here is some text, of which I want the last line to be wrapped in span-tags with id="myspan".<br>If it works this line will color red. </div> 

該特定示例非常容易,因為目標文本節點是其父級中的最后一個子級。 看評論:

 // Create the span, give it its ID var span = document.createElement("span"); span.id = "myspan"; // Get the div var div = document.getElementById("myDiv"); // Move the last child of the div into the span span.appendChild(div.childNodes[div.childNodes.length - 1]); // Append the span to the div div.appendChild(span); 
 #myspan{ color: #db1926; } 
 <div id="myDiv">Here is some text of which I want the last line to be wrapped in span-tags with as id="myspan".<br>If it works this line will color red. </div> 


 // Create the span, give it its ID var span = $("<span>").attr("id", "myspan"); // Get the div var div = $("#myDiv"); // Move the last child of the div into the span span.append(div.contents().last()); // Append the span to the div div.append(span); 
 #myspan{ color: #db1926; } 
 <div id="myDiv">Here is some text of which I want the last line to be wrapped in span-tags with as id="myspan".<br>If it works this line will color red. </div> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

正如A.Wolff所 指出的那樣 ,使用wrap可以縮短很多時間:

 $("#myDiv").contents().last().wrap('<span id="myspan"></span>'); 
 #myspan{ color: #db1926; } 
 <div id="myDiv">Here is some text of which I want the last line to be wrapped in span-tags with as id="myspan".<br>If it works this line will color red. </div> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 



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