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[英]Type mismatch for expectMsg, required Int


class SomeActorSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("testSystem"))
  with ImplicitSender
  with WordSpecLike with MustMatchers {

  it should "check the id of a submitted job" {
    val tester = TestProbe()
    val someActorRef = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[SomeActor]))

    tester.send(someActorRef, SomeMessage(UUID.randomUUID))
    tester.expectMsg(SomeReply("Not running"))



type mismatch;
[error]  found   : your.package.SomeReply
[error]  required: Int
[error]     tester.expectMsg(SomeReply("Not running"))

為什么期望expectMsg需要一個Int 我查看了使用expectMsg不同示例,它能夠接收Message類的子類型。

奇怪,它從另一個范圍隱式加載。 我建議您這樣寫(如您先前的問題):

import java.util.UUID

import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
import akka.testkit.{TestKit, TestProbe}
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec

class SomeActorSpec extends FlatSpec {

  it should "check the id of a submitted job" in new TestScope {
    val tester = TestProbe()

    tester.send(someActorRef, SomeMessage(UUID.randomUUID))
    tester.expectMsg(SomeReply("Not running"))

  abstract class TestScope extends TestKit(ActorSystem("testSystem")) {
    val someActorRef = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[SomeActor]))

case class SomeMessage(v: UUID)
case class SomeReply(msg: String)

class SomeActor() extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case msg => sender() ! SomeReply("Not running")


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