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[英]Im getting an error using timed walk test in research kit

我在同時使用carekit的應用程序中使用了來自researchkit測試的定時行走。 但是,我不知道為什么會收到此錯誤。 任何幫助將不勝感激。 到目前為止,這就是我所擁有的。 (錯誤狀態使用未解決的標識符)

 import ResearchKit

  public var timedWalk: ORKOrderedTask 
{return ORKOrderedTask.timedWalk(withIdentifier: "Timed  Walk",intendedUseDescription: "Assessment measures balance", distanceInMeters: 3, timeLimit: 13, includeAssistiveDeviceForm: true, options: .excludeConclusion) 

 //Create a question.
let title = "Estimate your fall Risk"
let text = "This assessment measure how fast you walk to estimate your fall risk. Start from a sitting position stand walk 10 feet turn around and  walk back to sitting position"
***let questionStep = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: "Timed Get up and Go", title: title, text: text, answer: answerFormat)*** 
  questionStep.isOptional = false

       //Create an ordered task with a single question
   return ORKOrderedTask(identifier: "Timed Walk", steps: [questionStep])


public var timedWalk: ORKOrderedTask {
    return ORKOrderedTask.timedWalk(withIdentifier: "Timed Walk",
                                    intendedUseDescription:" Assessment measure, the, balance",
                                    distanceInMeters: 3, timeLimit: 13,  options: .excludeConclusion)


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