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[英]get all links and iterate through list (robot framework)

我想檢查某個收件箱中的所有物品,然后一個個地打開它們,直到沒有更多為止(每個物品都會做一些處理,因此它們在被訪問后便消失了)。 這些項目是基於工作流程的,因此當它們打開時,將對其進行處理並從收件箱中消失。

如何使機器人列出這些物品並逐一打開? 這是執行此任務的正確方法嗎? 我在Eclipse W Python中使用robotframework

// span / a捕獲收件箱中的所有相關鏈接(10) 在此處輸入圖片說明

我有以下代碼可以獲取所有鏈接並將它們放在列表中,但是我不知道最好的方法是一個一個地打開它們(每次打開鏈接並完成一些X流程后都返回到收件箱) 。

Wait Until Element is Visible     xpath=//a/span
# Count number of links on page
${AllLinksCount}=    Get Matching Xpath Count    xpath=//a/span

# Log the count of links
Log    ${AllLinksCount}

# Create a list to store the link texts
@{LinkItems}    Create List

# Loop through all links and store links value that has length more than 1 character
: FOR    ${INDEX}    IN RANGE    1    ${AllLinksCount}
\    Log    ${INDEX}
\    ${lintext}=    Get Text    xpath=(//a/span)[${INDEX}]
\    Log    ${lintext}
\    ${linklength}    Get Length    ${lintext}
\    Run Keyword If    ${linklength}>1    Append To List    ${LinkItems}    ${lintext}
${LinkSize}=    Get Length    ${LinkItems}
Log    ${LinkSize}

Comment    Print all links
: FOR    ${ELEMENT}    IN    @{LinkItems}
\    Log    ${ELEMENT}

如果您想返回到原來的頁面,可以在單擊鏈接之前獲取位置,然后在處理后返回該URL。 您甚至不需要為此創建鏈接測試列表。 並為您的xpath使其//a/span[string-length(text())>1]這樣您就不再需要run keyword if了:

Wait Until Element is Visible
${AllLinksCount}=    Get Matching Xpath Count    xpath=//a/span[string-length(text())>1]
Log    ${AllLinksCount}
: FOR    ${INDEX}    IN RANGE    1    ${AllLinksCount}
\    Log    ${INDEX}
\    ${currUrl}    get location
\    click element    xpath=(//a/span[string-length(text())>1])[1]
\    do processing here
\    go to    ${currUrl}



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