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[英]How to count the occurrences in multiple column in SQL


TV_Show | genre_1 | genre_2 |
  a     | action  | sci-fi  |
  b     | sci-fi  | comedy  |
  c     | comedy  | romance |
  d     | action  | sci-fi  |
  .     |    .    |    .    |
  .     |    .    |    .    |
  .     |    .    |    .    |

我想運行一個查詢,它將統計每個不同的,獨特的類型在整個表中出現的次數。 我想要以下結果。 此輸出的順序無關緊要:

action    2
sci-fi    3
comedy    2
romance   1
  .       .
  .       .
  .       .

SQL Query應該是什么?


SELECT genre1 OR genre2, COUNT(*) FROM tv_show GROUP BY genre1 OR genre2


這個例子簡化了我的實際SQL表。 我的實際表有其他列有不同的數據。 但我只有兩個genre列,我想進行查詢。

使用union all和aggregation:

select genre, count(*)
from ((select genre_1 as genre from tv_show) union all
      (select genre_2 as genre from tv_show)
     ) g
group by genre;


select genre, count(*), sum(first), sum(second)
from ((select genre_1 as genre, 1 as first, 0 as second from tv_show) union all
      (select genre_2 as genre, 0, 1 from tv_show)
     ) g
group by genre;

您可以使用CASE表達式和SUM()函數; group by generegroup by

sum(case when genre_1 = 'action' then 1 else 0 end) as Action,
sum(case when genre_1 = 'sci-fi' then 1 else 0 end) as Sci-Fi,
sum(case when genre_1 = 'comedy' then 1 else 0 end) as Comedy,
sum(case when genre_1 = 'romance' then 1 else 0 end) as Romance


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