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[英]libgdx animated sprite no method error

每當我將用於動畫目的的精靈圖集上載到overlays2d版本0.1.2-快照中的場景中時。 我的應用程序崩潰並顯示以下行(略作編輯):

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getKeyFrame(F)Lcom/badlogic/gdx/graphics/g2d/TextureRegion; in class Lcom/badlogic/gdx/graphics/g2d/Animation; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Animation' appears in /data/data/xxx.xxx.xxx/files/instant-run/dex/slice-gdx-1.9.5_xxx-classes.dex)



這可能是版本不匹配的問題,因為overlap2d一年多沒有更新,但是libgdx大約一個月前才更新? 崩潰只會發生在具有動畫圖像的情況下,否則應用程序可以正常運行。 我查看了錯誤所指向的libgdx文件,這是它的樣子:

package com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d;

import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;

public class Animation<T> {

/** Defines possible playback modes for an {@link Animation}. */
public enum PlayMode {

/** Length must not be modified without updating {@link #animationDuration}. See {@link #setKeyFrames(T[])}. */
T[] keyFrames;
private float frameDuration;
private float animationDuration;
private int lastFrameNumber;
private float lastStateTime;

private PlayMode playMode = PlayMode.NORMAL;

/** Constructor, storing the frame duration and key frames.
 * @param frameDuration the time between frames in seconds.
 * @param keyFrames the objects representing the frames. */
public Animation (float frameDuration, Array<? extends T> keyFrames) {
    this.frameDuration = frameDuration;
    T[] frames = (T[]) new Object[keyFrames.size];
    for (int i = 0, n = keyFrames.size; i < n; i++) {
        frames[i] = keyFrames.get(i);

/** Constructor, storing the frame duration and key frames.
 * @param frameDuration the time between frames in seconds.
 * @param keyFrames the objects representing the frames. */
public Animation (float frameDuration, Array<? extends T> keyFrames, PlayMode playMode) {
    this(frameDuration, keyFrames);

/** Constructor, storing the frame duration and key frames.
 * @param frameDuration the time between frames in seconds.
 * @param keyFrames the objects representing the frames. */
public Animation (float frameDuration, T... keyFrames) {
    this.frameDuration = frameDuration;

/** Returns a frame based on the so called state time. This is the amount of seconds an object has spent in the
 * state this Animation instance represents, e.g. running, jumping and so on. The mode specifies whether the animation is
 * looping or not.
 * @param stateTime the time spent in the state represented by this animation.
 * @param looping whether the animation is looping or not.
 * @return the frame of animation for the given state time. */
public T getKeyFrame (float stateTime, boolean looping) {
    // we set the play mode by overriding the previous mode based on looping
    // parameter value
    PlayMode oldPlayMode = playMode;
    if (looping && (playMode == PlayMode.NORMAL || playMode == PlayMode.REVERSED)) {
        if (playMode == PlayMode.NORMAL)
            playMode = PlayMode.LOOP;
            playMode = PlayMode.LOOP_REVERSED;
    } else if (!looping && !(playMode == PlayMode.NORMAL || playMode == PlayMode.REVERSED)) {
        if (playMode == PlayMode.LOOP_REVERSED)
            playMode = PlayMode.REVERSED;
            playMode = PlayMode.LOOP;

    T frame = getKeyFrame(stateTime);
    playMode = oldPlayMode;
    return frame;

/** Returns a frame based on the so called state time. This is the amount of seconds an object has spent in the
 * state this Animation instance represents, e.g. running, jumping and so on using the mode specified by
 * {@link #setPlayMode(PlayMode)} method.
 * @param stateTime
 * @return the frame of animation for the given state time. */
public T getKeyFrame (float stateTime) {
    int frameNumber = getKeyFrameIndex(stateTime);
    return keyFrames[frameNumber];

/** Returns the current frame number.
 * @param stateTime
 * @return current frame number */
public int getKeyFrameIndex (float stateTime) {
    if (keyFrames.length == 1) return 0;

    int frameNumber = (int)(stateTime / frameDuration);
    switch (playMode) {
    case NORMAL:
        frameNumber = Math.min(keyFrames.length - 1, frameNumber);
    case LOOP:
        frameNumber = frameNumber % keyFrames.length;
        frameNumber = frameNumber % ((keyFrames.length * 2) - 2);
        if (frameNumber >= keyFrames.length) frameNumber = keyFrames.length - 2 - (frameNumber - keyFrames.length);
    case LOOP_RANDOM:
        int lastFrameNumber = (int) ((lastStateTime) / frameDuration);
        if (lastFrameNumber != frameNumber) {
            frameNumber = MathUtils.random(keyFrames.length - 1);
        } else {
            frameNumber = this.lastFrameNumber;
    case REVERSED:
        frameNumber = Math.max(keyFrames.length - frameNumber - 1, 0);
        frameNumber = frameNumber % keyFrames.length;
        frameNumber = keyFrames.length - frameNumber - 1;

    lastFrameNumber = frameNumber;
    lastStateTime = stateTime;

    return frameNumber;

/** Returns the keyframes[] array where all the frames of the animation are stored.
 * @return The keyframes[] field. */
public T[] getKeyFrames () {
    return keyFrames;

protected void setKeyFrames (T... keyFrames) {
    this.keyFrames = keyFrames;
    this.animationDuration = keyFrames.length * frameDuration;

/** Returns the animation play mode. */
public PlayMode getPlayMode () {
    return playMode;

/** Sets the animation play mode.
 * @param playMode The animation {@link PlayMode} to use. */
public void setPlayMode (PlayMode playMode) {
    this.playMode = playMode;

/** Whether the animation would be finished if played without looping (PlayMode#NORMAL), given the state time.
 * @param stateTime
 * @return whether the animation is finished. */
public boolean isAnimationFinished (float stateTime) {
    int frameNumber = (int)(stateTime / frameDuration);
    return keyFrames.length - 1 < frameNumber;

/** Sets duration a frame will be displayed.
 * @param frameDuration in seconds */
public void setFrameDuration (float frameDuration) {
    this.frameDuration = frameDuration;
    this.animationDuration = keyFrames.length * frameDuration;

/** @return the duration of a frame in seconds */
public float getFrameDuration () {
    return frameDuration;

/** @return the duration of the entire animation, number of frames times frame duration, in seconds */
public float getAnimationDuration () {
    return animationDuration;


使用libgdx的早期版本,即1.9.4。 在libgdx版本1.9.5中,動畫類具有一些更改,該更改不會使用overlay2d快照版本進行更新,因此您遇到了問題。

在根項目的build.gradle中降級版本。 希望它會有所幫助。



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