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[英]copy data using vlookup and if


工作表“ feb”中的單元格B5的值If sheets("Feb").Range("I5:AK81)<>"" (如果范圍中的任何單元格If sheets("Feb").Range("I5:AK81)<>""空白,而Sheets("Jan").Range("I5:AM81")不等於“ TRF。”意味着如果范圍內的任何單元格都不等於“ TRF。”,則在范圍Sheets("master").Range("H7:Q200"),1,0)中的表“ Jan”中的VLookup單元格B5 Sheets("master").Range("H7:Q200"),1,0)復制並粘貼到表格“ Feb”的單元格B5中。

並轉到工作表2月的B5:B81范圍中的最后一個空白列,如果Sheets(“ master”)的O列中有任何日期。Range(“ H7:q200”)僅在當年的當前月份內,然后復制適當的單元格b在范圍內,然后粘貼到工作表“ Feb”范圍B5:B81的最后一個空單元格中,依此類推


Option Explicit

Sub CopyRows()

Dim Cl As Range
Dim str As String
Dim RowUpdCrnt As Long

str = "WRK.*" 'string to look for
Sheets("Feb").Range("B5:B81").Value = ""

RowUpdCrnt = 5

' In my test data, the "WRK."s are in column AN.  This For-Each only selects column AN.
' I assume all my "WRK."s are in a single column.  Replace "B" by the appropriate
' column letter for your data.

With Sheets("Jan")
' loop until last row with data in Column AN (and not the entire column) to save time
  For Each Cl In .Range("AN1:AN" & .Cells(.Rows.Count, "AN").End(xlUp).Row)
    If Cl.Value Like str And Sheets("Feb").Range(Cl.Address).Value <> "" Then

    'if the cell contains the correct value copy it to next empty row on sheet 2 &  delete the row
      If Not IsError(Application.Vlookup(.Range("B" & Cl.Row).Value, Sheets("Master").Range("H7:H200"), 1, 0)) Then   ' <-- verify the VLookup was successful
        Sheets("Feb").Range("B" & RowUpdCrnt).Value = Application.Vlookup(.Range("B" & Cl.Row).Value, Sheets("Master").Range("H7:H200"), 1, 0)
        RowUpdCrnt = RowUpdCrnt + 1
      End If
    End If
  Next Cl
End With

Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
If AND(criteria1,critieria2) then


很難遵循您要走的方向,所以如果這是錯誤的,請糾正我。 還沒有完全做到這一點,但是我們可以嘗試分解其中的一些:

.1),然后在范圍Sheets(“ master”)。Range(“ H7:Q200”),1,0)中的“ Jan”表中的VLookup單元格B5

'You've got this.  I would recommend index/match 
'using application and worksheet function commands.

.2)復制並粘貼到“ Feb”表的單元格B5中。

With Sheets("Feb").Range("B5").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues


Dim LR as Long 'LR is last row
LR = Cells(Sheets("Feb").Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

.4)如果Sheets(“ master”)。Range(“ H7:q200”)的O列中的任何日期僅在當年的當前月份內

'Assuming this sheet based... Assuming H is the date column
If Sheets("master").Range("H7:H200").Value = "2" Then


'use index/match with output being Column(2)/B

.4b)粘貼到工作表“ Feb”范圍B5:B81的最后一個空單元格中

Sheets("Feb").Cells(LR+1,2).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues


希望這會給您一個開始。 如果可以的話,只需按程序考慮每一行。


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