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通過 VBA 以編程方式加密 Outlook 郵件

[英]Encrypt Outlook Mail Programmatically via VBA

我正在尋找一種通過 Outlook 2013 中的 VBA 代碼加密和發送 Outlook 郵件的方法。


微軟表示,“Microsoft Outlook 對象模型不提供直接支持以編程方式簽署或加密郵件消息”,但可以為其構建解決方案。 ( https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/help/2636465/how-to-sign-or-encrypt-mail-messages-programmatically )

我知道我可以手動加密郵件,但我想以編程方式訪問它。 也許我可以像事件一樣調用,或者在設置此屬性時調用的東西。

我沒有任何證書。 有沒有辦法在不使用證書的情況下加密 Outlook 中的郵件?

您需要設置 PR_SECURITY_FLAGS 屬性。 有關示例,請參閱https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dvespa/2009/03/16/how-to-sign-or-encrypt-a-message-programmatically-from-oom/

這個信息出奇地難找。 如果上面的鏈接失效,這里是一個實現設置 PR_SECURITY_FLAGS 屬性的函數。

' Procedure : Mailitem_SignEncr
' Date      : 2019-06-11
' Author    : Andre 
' Purpose   : Set security flags for an Outlook Mailitem
' Source: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dvespa/2009/03/16/how-to-sign-or-encrypt-a-message-programmatically-from-oom/
' Parameters:
' oItem: If your code runs in Outlook VBA, you can use this to get the current mail: Set oItem = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
'        Otherwise you get this object when creating the new mail item.
' doSign: Digital Signature. +1 = ON, -1 = OFF, 0 = leave default
' doEncr: Encryption.        +1 = ON, -1 = OFF, 0 = leave default
Public Sub Mailitem_SignEncr(oItem As Outlook.MailItem, doSign As Long, doEncr As Long)

    Const PR_SECURITY_FLAGS = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x6E010003"
    Const SECFLAG_ENCRYPTED As Long = &H1
    Const SECFLAG_SIGNED As Long = &H2

    Dim SecFlags As Long

    ' Get current flags value
    SecFlags = oItem.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(PR_SECURITY_FLAGS)

    ' Turn flags on/off

    If doSign > 0 Then
        ' ON
        SecFlags = SecFlags Or SECFLAG_SIGNED
    ElseIf doSign < 0 Then
        ' OFF
        SecFlags = SecFlags And (Not SECFLAG_SIGNED)
        ' leave this flag as it is
    End If

    If doEncr > 0 Then
        SecFlags = SecFlags Or SECFLAG_ENCRYPTED
    ElseIf doEncr < 0 Then
        SecFlags = SecFlags And (Not SECFLAG_ENCRYPTED)
    End If

    ' and set the modified flags
    oItem.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty PR_SECURITY_FLAGS, SecFlags

End Sub


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