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[英]How to get the applied style from an element, excluding the default user agent styles

您如何在 JavaScript 中檢索已應用於元素的樣式,不包括默認的用戶代理樣式(因此僅限內聯 + 樣式表樣式)。

基本上,您可以在您最喜歡的開發人員工具的 Computed 選項卡中看到所有用戶樣式:

Edge 的開發者工具中顯示的用戶樣式

請不要使用框架,IE8+、Edge、Chrome 和 Firefox。

我期望答案是getComputedStyle減去getDefaultComputedStyle的結果,但是以跨瀏覽器的方式。 看到所有的開發者工具都可以做到,一定有解決辦法:)


var styleSheetList = document.styleSheets;




是否可以使用 Javascript 檢查是否在樣式標簽內定義了某些 CSS 屬性?



 var proto = Element.prototype; var slice = Function.call.bind(Array.prototype.slice); var matches = Function.call.bind(proto.matchesSelector || proto.mozMatchesSelector || proto.webkitMatchesSelector || proto.msMatchesSelector || proto.oMatchesSelector); // Returns true if a DOM Element matches a cssRule var elementMatchCSSRule = function(element, cssRule) { return matches(element, cssRule.selectorText); }; // Returns true if a property is defined in a cssRule var propertyInCSSRule = function(prop, cssRule) { return prop in cssRule.style && cssRule.style[prop] !== ""; }; // Here we get the cssRules across all the stylesheets in one array var cssRules = slice(document.styleSheets).reduce(function(rules, styleSheet) { return rules.concat(slice(styleSheet.cssRules)); }, []); var getAppliedCss = function(elm) { // get only the css rules that matches that element var elementRules = cssRules.filter(elementMatchCSSRule.bind(null, elm)); var rules =[]; if(elementRules.length) { for(i = 0; i < elementRules.length; i++) { var e = elementRules[i]; rules.push({ order:i, text:e.cssText }) } } if(elm.getAttribute('style')) { rules.push({ order:elementRules.length, text:elm.getAttribute('style') }) } return rules; } function showStyle(){ var styleSheetList = document.styleSheets; // get a reference to an element, then... var div1 = document.getElementById("div1"); var rules = getAppliedCss(div1); var str = ''; for(i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { var r = rules[i]; str += '<br/>Style Order: ' + r.order + ' | Style Text: ' + r.text; } document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML = str; }
 #div1 { float:left; width:100px; } div { text-align:center; }
 <div id="div1" style="font-size:14px;"> Lorem ipsum </div> <br/> <br/> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="showStyle()"> Show me the style. </a> <p id="p1"><p>



  1. 構造一個與我們感興趣的元素完全相同類型的元素(例如divp )。
  2. 將此元素附加到頁面上的某處,以便僅應用默認瀏覽器規則。 我們可以將其放入iframe中。
  3. 檢查樣式的差異,只報告不同的值。
  4. 清理臨時元素。

它在實踐中似乎工作得相當好。 我只在 Firefox 和 Chrome 中對此進行了測試,但我認為它也應該在其他瀏覽器中工作 - 可能除了我使用了 for...infor...of的事實,但人們可以輕松地重寫它。 請注意,不僅會報告您指定的屬性,還會報告一些受您指定的屬性影響的屬性。 例如,邊框顏色與設計上的文本顏色相匹配,因此即使您僅設置color: white也會報告為不同的顏色。

總而言之,我采用了您在其中一個評論中發布的示例,並向其中添加了一個getNonDefaultStyles函數,我認為它可以滿足您的需求。 它當然可以修改為緩存默認樣式,例如div元素,因此在重復調用中效率更高(因為修改 DOM很昂貴),但它顯示了要點。

下面的代碼片段顯示了如何實現將元素附加到正文的版本。 由於 StackOverflow 的限制,無法在片段中顯示iframe版本。 JSFiddle上是可能的。 下面的代碼片段也可以在Fiddle中找到。

 var textarea = document.getElementById("textarea"), paragraph = document.getElementById("paragraph"); /** * Computes applied styles, assuming no rules targeting a specific element. */ function getNonDefaultStyles(el) { var styles = {}, computed = window.getComputedStyle(el), notTargetedContainer = document.createElement('div'), elVanilla = document.createElement(el.tagName); document.body.appendChild(notTargetedContainer); notTargetedContainer.appendChild(elVanilla); var vanilla = window.getComputedStyle(elVanilla); for (let key of computed) { if (vanilla[key] !== computed[key]) { styles[key] = computed[key]; } } document.body.removeChild(notTargetedContainer); return styles; } var paragraphStyles = getNonDefaultStyles(paragraph); for (let style in paragraphStyles) { textarea.value += style + ": " + paragraphStyles[style] + "\n"; }
 #paragraph { background: red; } textarea { width: 300px; height: 400px; }
 <p id="paragraph" style="color: white"> I am a DIV </p> <p> User styles: </p> <textarea id="textarea"></textarea>

這是一個函數,它從頁面上的內聯樣式(HTML style屬性)或樣式表中獲取已應用於元素的所有 CSS 規則。 它還抓取 CSS 動畫和:active:hover::before::after選擇器的相關關鍵幀。

function getAppliedCssData(el) {
  // we create a unique id so we can generate unique ids for renaming animations
  let uniqueId = "id" + Math.random().toString().slice(2) + Math.random().toString().slice(2);

  let allRules = [...document.styleSheets].map(s => {
    let rules = [];
    try { rules.push(...s.cssRules) } catch(e) {} // we ignore cross-domain stylesheets with restrictive CORs headers
    return rules;

  let styleRules = allRules.filter(rule => rule.type === CSSRule.STYLE_RULE)
  let fontFaceRules = allRules.filter(rule => rule.type === CSSRule.FONT_FACE_RULE);
  let keyframesRules = allRules.filter(rule => rule.type === CSSRule.KEYFRAMES_RULE);

  let matchingDefaultRules = styleRules.filter(rule => el.matches(rule.selectorText));
  let nonMatchingRules = styleRules.filter(rule => !el.matches(rule.selectorText));
  let matchingHoverRules =  nonMatchingRules.filter(rule => el.matches(rule.selectorText.replace(/ :/g, " *:").replace(/([^(])(:hover)\b/g, "$1")));
  let matchingActiveRules = nonMatchingRules.filter(rule => el.matches(rule.selectorText.replace(/ :/g, " *:").replace(/([^(])(:active)\b/g, "$1")));
  let matchingBeforeRules = nonMatchingRules.filter(rule => el.matches(rule.selectorText.replace(/ :/g, " *:").replace(/::before\b/g, "")));
  let matchingAfterRules =  nonMatchingRules.filter(rule => el.matches(rule.selectorText.replace(/ :/g, " *:").replace(/::after\b/g, "")));
  let allMatchingStyleRules = [...matchingActiveRules, ...matchingDefaultRules, ...matchingHoverRules, ...matchingBeforeRules, ...matchingAfterRules];
  let matchingAnimationNames = allMatchingStyleRules.map(rule => rule.style.animationName).filter(n => n.trim());
  let matchingKeyframeRules = keyframesRules.filter(rule => matchingAnimationNames.includes(rule.name));
  // make name changes before actually grabbing the style text of each type
  allMatchingStyleRules.forEach(rule => rule.style.animationName = rule.style.animationName+uniqueId);
  matchingKeyframeRules.forEach(rule => rule.name = rule.name+uniqueId);

  let matchingDefaultStyles = matchingDefaultRules.map(rule => rule.cssText).map(r => r.split(/[{}]/g)[1].trim()).join(" ") + (el.getAttribute('style') || ""); // important to add these last because inline styles are meant to override stylesheet styles (unless !important is used)
  let matchingHoverStyles = matchingHoverRules.map(rule => rule.cssText).map(r => r.split(/[{}]/g)[1].trim()).join(" ");
  let matchingActiveStyles = matchingActiveRules.map(rule => rule.cssText).map(r => r.split(/[{}]/g)[1].trim()).join(" ");
  let matchingBeforeStyles = matchingBeforeRules.map(rule => rule.cssText).map(r => r.split(/[{}]/g)[1].trim()).join(" ");
  let matchingAfterStyles = matchingAfterRules.map(rule => rule.cssText).map(r => r.split(/[{}]/g)[1].trim()).join(" ");
  let matchingKeyframeStyles = matchingKeyframeRules.map(rule => rule.cssText).join(" ");
  // undo the rule name changes because this actually affects the whole document:
  matchingKeyframeRules.forEach(rule => rule.name = rule.name.replace(uniqueId, "")); 
  allMatchingStyleRules.forEach(rule => rule.style.animationName = rule.style.animationName.replace(uniqueId, ""));

  let data = {
    defaultStyles: matchingDefaultStyles,
    hoverStyles: matchingHoverStyles,
    activeStyles: matchingActiveStyles,
    keyframeStyles: matchingKeyframeStyles,
    beforeStyles: matchingBeforeStyles,
    afterStyles: matchingAfterStyles,
  return data;


您可以通過將它們與具有相同標簽名稱的“默認”HTML 元素進行比較來計算用戶應用的(非默認)樣式,該元素在隔離的<iframe>中呈現,因此文檔中的樣式不會“泄漏”到默認值元素。

此解決方案與@Just a student 相同,但增加了以下改進:

  1. <iframe>是一個隱藏的 HTML 元素,因此用戶不會看到它
  2. 為了性能,默認樣式被緩存,我們等待清理<iframe>直到我們調用removeSandbox結束
  3. 它考慮了繼承(即,如果您提供parentElement ,即使父級設置它並且元素將其覆蓋回默認值,它也會列出樣式)
  4. 它考慮了默認樣式的初始值和計算值不匹配的情況(有關更多信息,請參閱此 PR中的注釋 [1])
// usage:
element = document.querySelector('div');
styles = getUserComputedStyles(element);
styles = getUserComputedStyles(element, parentElement);
// call this method when done to cleanup:

function getUserComputedStyles(element, parentElement = null) {
    var defaultStyle = getDefaultStyle(element.tagName);
    var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
    var parentStyle =
      parentElement ? window.getComputedStyle(parentElement) : null;
    var styles = {};
    [...computedStyle].forEach(function(name) {
        // If the style does not match the default, or it does not match the
        // parent's, set it. We don't know which styles are inherited from the
        // parent and which aren't, so we have to always check both.
        // This results in some extra default styles being returned, so if you
        // want to avoid this and aren't concerned about omitting styles that
        // the parent set but the `element` overrides back to the default,
        // call `getUserComputedStyles` without a `parentElement`.
        const computedStyleValue = computedStyle[name];
        if (computedStyleValue !== defaultStyle[name] ||
          (parentStyle && computedStyleValue !== parentStyle[name])) {
            styles[name] = computedStyleValue;
    return styles;

var removeDefaultStylesTimeoutId = null;
var sandbox = null;
var tagNameDefaultStyles = {};

function getDefaultStyle(tagName) {
    if (tagNameDefaultStyles[tagName]) {
        return tagNameDefaultStyles[tagName];
    if (!sandbox) {
        // Create a hidden sandbox <iframe> element within we can create
        // default HTML elements and query their computed styles. Elements
        // must be rendered in order to query their computed styles. The
        // <iframe> won't render at all with `display: none`, so we have to
        // use `visibility: hidden` with `position: fixed`.
        sandbox = document.createElement('iframe');
        sandbox.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        sandbox.style.position = 'fixed';
        // Ensure that the iframe is rendered in standard mode
          '<!DOCTYPE html><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>sandbox</title><body>');
    var defaultElement = document.createElement(tagName);
    // Ensure that there is some content, so properties like margin are applied
    defaultElement.textContent = '.';
    var defaultComputedStyle =
    var defaultStyle = {};
    // Copy styles to an object, making sure that 'width' and 'height' are
    // given the default value of 'auto', since their initial value is always
    // 'auto' despite that the default computed value is sometimes an absolute
    // length.
    [...defaultComputedStyle].forEach(function(name) {
        defaultStyle[name] = (name === 'width' || name === 'height')
          ? 'auto' : defaultComputedStyle.getPropertyValue(name);
    tagNameDefaultStyles[tagName] = defaultStyle;
    return defaultStyle;

function removeSandbox() {
    if (!sandbox) {
    sandbox = null;
    if (removeDefaultStylesTimeoutId) {
    removeDefaultStylesTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
        removeDefaultStylesTimeoutId = null;
        tagNameDefaultStyles = {};
    }, 20 * 1000);

即使有了這些改進,對於塊元素,仍然列出了一些默認樣式,因為它們的初始值和計算值不匹配,即widthheightblock-sizeinset-blocktransform-originperspective-origin (見注釋在#4)。 dom-to-image-moregetUserComputedStyle函數)中的這種解決方案能夠修剪掉更多的這些,盡管計算速度較慢。


 function get_style(obj,nam) { //obj = HTML element, nam = style property var val = ""; if(document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { nam = nam.replace(/[AZ]/g,function(str) { //convert name into hypenated return "-"+str.toLowerCase(); }); val = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj,"").getPropertyValue(nam); //get current style } else if(obj.currentStyle) { nam = nam.replace(/\-(\w)/g,function(str,p1) { //convert name into camel case return p1.toUpperCase(); }); val = obj.currentStyle[nam]; //get current style } return val; }

它允許您將樣式屬性作為 hypenated ( background-color ) 或駝峰大小寫 ( backgroundColor ) 傳遞,並根據它使用的方法替換它。

這也涵蓋了較舊的瀏覽器,甚至是舊的 IE!


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