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[英]Script editor working only in edit page mode


<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
function FilterOMenu(c, a) {
    //Be carefull with overriding SharePoint core functions, for now this will work (September 2016 CU). Ensure you test this every time after installing a SharePoint update.
    //SharePoint default (I placed this above, cause it returns.)
    if (a == null)
    var b = a.tagName == "DIV" ? a.parentNode : a;
    //End SharePoint default

    //Custom implementation to sort the filter
    var fieldInternalName = a.getAttribute("name");

    //some sort functions
    var ascComparer = function(a,b){return a.text<b.text ? -1:a.text>b.text ? 1 : 0;};
    var descComparer = function(a,b){return a.text>b.text ? -1:a.text<b.text ? 1 : 0;};
    var ascDateComparer = function(a,b){d1 = Date.parse(a.text);d2 = Date.parse(b.text);return d1<d2 ? -1:d1>d2 ? 1 : 0;};
    var descDateComparer = function(a,b){d1 = Date.parse(a.text);d2 = Date.parse(b.text);return d1>d2 ? -1:d1<d2 ? 1 : 0;};

    var myCustomSort = {};
    //Add the field internal name and give a comparer as value to sort
    //As example the title column as your case is
    myCustomSort["Kuup_x00e4_ev"] = descDateComparer;
    //myCustomSort["Aktiivne"] = ascComparer;

    if(typeof c != "undefined" && c != null && typeof myCustomSort[fieldInternalName] != "undefined"){//check if you implemented a custom sort for the current internalname
        //select all items that are checkable (the options)
        var allSelectableItems = c.querySelectorAll('[checked]');
        if(allSelectableItems.length > 0){
            var elementInnerhtmls = [];
            var htmlToReplace = "";
            var htmlToAppend = "";
            for(var i = 0;i<allSelectableItems.length;i++)
                elementInnerhtmls.push({text: allSelectableItems[i].getAttribute("text"),html:allSelectableItems[i].outerHTML});
                htmlToReplace += allSelectableItems[i].outerHTML; 
            elementInnerhtmls = elementInnerhtmls.sort(myCustomSort[fieldInternalName]);
            for(var i = 0;i<elementInnerhtmls.length;i++)
                htmlToAppend += elementInnerhtmls[i].html;
            //replace the original html with the sorted html
            c.innerHTML = c.innerHTML.replace(htmlToReplace,htmlToAppend);
    //SharePoint default
    OMenu(c, b, null, null, -1)
    //End SharePoint default
} </script>

我有語言和類型屬性設置,但仍然沒有。 有人可以告訴我為什么我的發布頁面腳本只在我去編輯頁面時運行?


  • Script標簽沒有type=”text/javascript”
  • “SP.js”“SP.Runtime”文件未正確“SP.Runtime”
  • 您沒有調用ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded函數。
  • Minimal Download Strategy Feature已激活。
  • 代碼編寫不正確!

有關更多詳細信息,請查看SharePoint 2016:JSOM僅在編輯模式下工作


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