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[英]Use result of of query of one table/entity to query another entity/table


    public class HostEntity
        private String myGroup;

        private String host;

        private long inGroupSince;

    public class GroupEntity
        private String groupId;

        private String propertiesStr;


因此,給定兩個數字startTimefinishTime ,以及兩個字符串stringAstringB首先-獲取所有HostEntity.myGroup(以下稱此ListA ),使HostEntity.inGroupSince在startTime和finishTine之間,然后返回所有GroupEntity.groupId該GroupEntity.groupdId在ListA和GroupEntity.propertiesStr中包含stringA和StringB

實現這一目標的最佳方法是什么? 我可以在一個查詢中做到嗎?

我使用crudRepositorySpring Boot中工作,這是一個新手。


public interface IGroupsRepositoryDev extends IGroupsRepository
    @Query("SELECT j FROM GroupEntity j WHERE LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?1%  and LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?2% and LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?3%"
        + " and LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?4% and LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?5% and LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?6% and LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?7%"
        + " and LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?8% and LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?9% and LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?10% and LOWER(j.propertiesStr) LIKE %?11% ")
    List<UUID> findByProperties(String property1,String property2,String property3,String property4,String property5,String property6
        ,String property7,String property8,String property9,String property10,String property11);





    @Query(" SELECT groupId from GroupEntity where groupId IN (SELECT myGroup FROM HostEntity WHERE inGroupSince > ?12 AND inGroupSince < ?13) "
       + "AND LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?1%  and LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?2% and LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?3%"
       + " and LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?4% and LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?5% and LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?6% and LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?7%"
       + " and LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?8% and LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?9% and LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?10% and LOWER(propertiesStr) LIKE %?11% ")
   List<String> findByPropertiesBetweenTime(String property1,String property2,String property3,String property4,String property5,String property6
       ,String property7,String property8,String property9,String property10,String property11,long st,long ft);

我把它放到GroupEntity倉庫中,但是不起作用。 我究竟做錯了什么 ?

SELECT myGroup FROM HostEntity WHERE inGroupSince > startTime AND inGroupSince < finishTime


SELECT groupId FROM GroupEntity 
  groupId IN (SELECT myGroup FROM HostEntity WHERE inGroupSince > startTime AND inGroupSince < finishTime)
[...]和GroupEntity.propertiesStr包含stringA和StringB [...]


SELECT groupId FROM GroupEntity 
  groupId IN (SELECT myGroup FROM HostEntity WHERE inGroupSince > startTime AND inGroupSince < finishTime)
AND propertiesStr LIKE '%stringA%' 
AND propertiesStr LIKE '%stringB%'

好吧! 得到它的工作!


@Query("select ge from GroupEntity ge where ge.groupId in ( select k.myGroup from HostEntity k where k.inGroupSince > ?1 and k.inGroupSince < ?2 ) "
       + "and ge.propertiesStr like %?3% and ge.propertiesStr like %?4% and ge.propertiesStr like %?5% and ge.propertiesStr like %?6% and ge.propertiesStr like %?7% "
       + "and ge.propertiesStr like %?8% and ge.propertiesStr like %?9% and ge.propertiesStr like %?10% and ge.propertiesStr like %?11% and ge.propertiesStr like %?12% "
       + " and ge.propertiesStr like %?13%")
    List<GroupEntity> findGrpWithPropertiesBetweenTime(long st,long ft,String property1,String property2,String property3,String property4,String property5,String property6
       ,String property7,String property8,String property9,String property10,String property11);


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