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Tooltipster 不適用於移動設備 - Wordpress

[英]Tooltipster not working on mobile devices - Wordpress

加載工具提示 jquery 插件以觸發工具提示“懸停”狀態。

在移動設備上時,“懸停”觸發器不會加載 - 因此,我想在移動設備上將觸發器更改為“單擊”。

我在 tooltipster.core.js 中嘗試了以下編輯: 但這只是禁用了工具提示,並且不會將“觸發器”更改為單擊 ...觸發器:'click',從觸發器更改為:'懸停',

var defaults = {
        animation: 'fade',
        animationDuration: 350,
        content: null,
        contentAsHTML: false,
        contentCloning: false,
        debug: true,
        delay: 300,
        delayTouch: [300, 500],
        functionInit: null,
        functionBefore: null,
        functionReady: null,
        functionAfter: null,
        functionFormat: null,
        IEmin: 6,
        interactive: false,
        multiple: false,
        // must be 'body' for now, or an element positioned at (0, 0)
        // in the document, typically like the very top views of an app.
        parent: 'body',
        plugins: ['sideTip'],
        repositionOnScroll: false,
        restoration: 'none',
        selfDestruction: true,
        theme: [],
        timer: 0,
        trackerInterval: 500,
        trackOrigin: false,
        trackTooltip: false,
        trigger: 'click',
        triggerClose: {
            click: false,
            mouseleave: false,
            originClick: false,
            scroll: false,
            tap: false,
            touchleave: false
        triggerOpen: {
            click: false,
            mouseenter: false,
            tap: false,
            touchstart: false
        updateAnimation: 'rotate',
        zIndex: 9999999



好的,首先,如果您修改了任何 ToolTipster 插件文件,只需撤消所有更改或下載並重新安裝新文件。

也就是說,當我在評論中談論“init”時,我談論的是實例化 ToolTipster 函數的腳本......在您的網頁內容中。

根據 ToolTipster 的文檔,實例化ToolTipster 插件以執行您想要的操作(在單擊/點擊時打開/關閉工具提示,而不是懸停)是通過這種方式完成的,位於<body></body>標記之間:

事實上,它只是將所有內置觸發器事件偵聽器設置為 false 並啟用自定義觸發器。

    animation: 'fade',
    delay: 200,
    theme: 'tooltipster-punk',
    triggerOpen: {
      click: true,  // For mouse
      tap: true    // For touch device
    triggerClose: {
      click: true,  // For mouse
      tap: true    // For touch device



由於默認情況下鏈接會打開href ,因此您可能不希望它...

請注意,SO 正在阻止選項卡在代碼段沙箱中打開...
它在 CodePen 中運行良好

 $('#myPageTitle').tooltipster({ animation: 'fade', delay: 200, theme: 'tooltipster-punk', trigger:'custom', content: "Welcome to my new website.", triggerOpen: { click: true, // For mouse tap: true // For touch device }, triggerClose: { click: true, // For mouse tap: true // For touch device } }); $('.coolLink').tooltipster({ animation: 'fade', delay: 200, theme: 'tooltipster-punk', trigger:"custom", content: "This is a cool link to visit! Double-click! (not working on SO)", triggerOpen: { click: true, // For mouse tap: true // For touch device }, triggerClose: { click: true, // For mouse tap: true // For touch device } }); $('#eoi').tooltipster({ animation: 'fade', delay: 200, theme: 'tooltipster-punk', trigger:"custom", content: "This is the End of Internet.", triggerOpen: { click: true, // For mouse tap: true // For touch device }, triggerClose: { click: true, // For mouse tap: true // For touch device } }); // Those are handler for links, since a click open an href automatically // You can set the href open on double click (dblclick event) instead. // // NOTE that StackOverFlow prevents a window open in the snippet sandbox... // But it works. ;) $("a.coolLink, a#eoi").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); $("a.coolLink, a#eoi").on("dblclick",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); window.open($(this).attr("href")); });
 <link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.tooltipster/4.2.2/css/tooltipster.bundle.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.tooltipster/4.2.2/js/tooltipster.bundle.min.js"></script> <div style="text-align:center;"> <h1 id="myPageTitle">My Page Title</h1> <br> <br> <a href="http://stackoverflow.com" target="_blank" class="coolLink">StackOverflow</a><br> <br> <a href="http://iamceege.github.io/tooltipster/#options" target="_blank" class="coolLink">ToolTipster options</a><br> <br> <br> <a href="http://endoftheinternet.com/" target="_blank" id="eoi">End of Internet</a><br> </div>

確保包含 jQuery 庫、ToolTipster捆綁庫。
你可以在這里找到這一切。 在這里

在初始化 tooltipster 時嘗試這個trigger值:

trigger: ('ontouchstart' in window) ? 'click' : 'hover'


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