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[英]MeteorJS: Loading… templates sequentially

因此,基本上,我有一個包含多種類別照片的收藏集。 我目前使用此設置來瀏覽類別並為每個類別加載模板:

{{#each categories}}
  {{>gallery collectionName=categoryName}}




{{loadPhotos collectionName}}



我希望每個畫廊都顯示一個加載圈,直到所有照片都添加完畢,然后下一個畫廊開始加載照片,並且加載所有照片時,加載圈消失。 這將繼續,直到所有類別都已加載。



過去,我不得不做類似的事情,而我能夠做的是通過創建一種在模板和子模板之間進行通信的方式。 完成此操作的主要方法是將回調函數傳遞給每個子模板,或者傳遞ReactiveVarReactiveDict或父級“監聽”的任何其他反應式計算。 我測試了以下方法,它應該完全適合您的需求。


<template name="photoGallery">
  {{#each cat in categories}}
    {{> gallery collectionName=cat.name loadNow=loadTrigger isLoaded=loadedIndicator}}

以及相關的Javascript。 請注意,在此示例中,我正在訂閱一個名為photoCategories的出版物,該出版物從名為Categories的集合中發布了一組文檔(該集合在name屬性中包含畫廊類別的列表,並希望它們在loadOrder屬性中加載的loadOrder )。 您的具體情況可能有所不同。

import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { Categories } from '../../../api/categories/categories.js';
import { ReactiveDict } from 'meteor/reactive-dict';
import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';

import './photoGallery.html';
import '../utils/loading-indicator.html';

Template.photoGallery.onCreated(function() {
  this.loadTrigger = new ReactiveDict('loadTrigger');
  this.lastLoaded = new ReactiveVar();
  this.loadOrder = [];

  // subscribe to category data and when complete build loading controls
  // in this example the collection that contains the categories is called
  // 'Categories' and each document contains a property called 'loadOrder'
  // to control the order to load the galleries
  this.subscribe('photoCategories', () => {
    // we are inside the 'onComplete' subscription callback
    Categories.find({}, {sort: {loadOrder: 1}}).forEach((category) => {
      // create a trigger for each gallery so we can communicate when to load
      // initialize each trigger to false for now
      this.loadTrigger.set(category.name, false);

      // we need to also keep track of our load order so we know which
      // gallery to trigger next

    // now that everything is initialized, lets trigger the first gallery to load
    this.loadTrigger.set(this.loadOrder[0], true);

  // re-runs everytime a gallery is finished loading
  this.autorun(() => {
    // get which gallery just finished loading
    var lastLoaded = this.lastLoaded.get();
    var lastLoadedIndex = this.loadOrder.indexOf(lastLoaded);

    // make sure we have more galleries to load
    if (lastLoadedIndex + 1 < this.loadOrder.length) {
      // get the next gallery to load
      var loadNext = this.loadOrder[lastLoadedIndex + 1];

      // trigger the gallery to load
      Tracker.afterFlush(() => {
        this.loadTrigger.set(loadNext, true);

  // returns our photo gallery categories to iterate over in our template
  categories: function() {
    return Categories.find({}, {sort: {loadOrder: 1}});

  // returns our ReactiveDict so we can communicate to our sub-template
  // galleries when they can load
  loadTrigger: function() {
    return Template.instance().loadTrigger;

  // returns our ReactiveVar used to keep track of which gallery just loaded
  loadedIndicator: function() {
    return Template.instance().lastLoaded;

基本上,我們在這里所做的是訂閱包含類別列表的出版物。 然后,我們建立一個加載觸發器字典,用它來觸發每個畫廊的加載。 我們還需要定義一個最后加載的觸發器,以便我們知道畫廊何時加載(並可以觸發下一個加載)。



<template name="gallery">
  {{#if okToLoadNow collectionName}}
    {{loadPhotos collectionName}}
    {{> loading_indicator }}


  // reactive checks if we are ok to load
  okToLoadNow: function(collectionName) {
    return Template.instance().data.loadNow.get(collectionName);

  // contains logic that loads photos, renders them on the page, then triggers
  // back once the loading is complete
  loadPhotos: function(collectionName) {
    const instance = Template.instance();

    // insert the code that loads the photos and renders them on the page here!
    // if the logic is complete it probably makes more sense to put this in a sub-template
    // and put the logic in the `onRendered` callback

    // lets simulate loading by pausing for 3 seconds then communicate back
    // that we loaded
    Meteor.setTimeout(() => {
    }, 3000);

在圖庫模板中,我們將顯示一個加載指示器,直到觸發加載。 加載完成后,然后(通過isLoaded觸發器)指示已完成。 為此,我們只需傳回剛剛加載的圖庫名稱。

如前所述,我能夠測試這種方法是否有效。 您應該只能夠根據自己的具體情況進行調整。



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