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Polymer 2.0中的紙張工具欄

[英]Paper-toolbar in Polymer 2.0

當我在使用Polymer 2.0時安裝紙張工具欄時,我總是在PolymerCLI中得到它

Unable to find a suitable version for polymer, please choose one by typing one of the numbers below:
1) polymer#^1.2.0 which resolved to 1.8.1 and is required by paper-toolbar#1.1.7
2) polymer#^1.1.0 which resolved to 1.8.1 and is required by iron-flex-layout#1.3.2
3) polymer#^1.0.0 which resolved to 1.8.1 and is required by paper-styles#1.2.0
4) polymer#^2.0.0-rc.2 which resolved to 2.0.0-rc.2 and is required by Pokedex
5) polymer#^2.0.0-rc.1 which resolved to 2.0.0-rc.2 and is required by iron-component-page#9bcd9558d7

Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json

? Answer

這是因為在安裝某些Polymer Element時必須指定版本:

bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-button#2.0-preview


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