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[英]Cannot enable dynamically generated select options

我有一個系統,其中使用對servlet的ajax調用來動態填充多個選擇。 這些選項在servlet上生成,該servlet確定啟用或禁用了哪些選項。

一個選擇,我需要啟用一個或多個標記為禁用的選項。 但是,在ajax調用之后,我似乎無法啟用它們。 起初我以為這可能是一個異步問題,但是我已經解決了,但仍然無法啟用它們。

我試過.prop(“ disabled”,false),試過.attr(“ disabled”,false),然后試過.removeAttr(“ disabled”)。 這些都不起作用。

呼叫的HTML。 selEditRun的選項也是動態生成的,其值對應於“運行”的數據庫標識:

    <select id="selEditRun" onchange="populateEditRun()">
        <option value="">&nbsp;</option>


function populateEditRun() {
    var id = $('#selEditRun').val();
        url: 'TCAUServlet',
        type: 'GET',
        data: {
            formType: 'getRun',
            id: id
        dataType: 'html',
        success: function (responseText) {
            responseText = $.parseJSON(responseText);
            var deputies = responseText.officersAssigned;
            //other field actions removed
            var tmpDate = $('#txtEditRunDateTime').val();
            $.when(updateDisablesLists(tmpDate)).done(function () {
        error: function (request, status, error) {
            alert("An error occurred.  Error:  " + status + ", " + error);

function updateOfficerWithDisables(d) {
        url: 'TCAUServlet',
        type: 'GET',
        data: {formType: "getOfficersWithDisables",
            date: d
        dataType: 'html',
        success: function (responseText) {
            //other select population removed
        error: function (request, status, error) {
            alert("An error occurred.  Error:  " + status + ", " + error);

function enableOptions(deputies) {
    var tmpArray = [];
    $.each(deputies, function (name, value) {
        tmpArray.push(value.id); //get option values that are to be enabled
        $("#selEditRunDeputies option[value='" + value.id + "']").attr("disabled", false); //set to enabled
    $('#selEditRunDeputies').val(tmpArray);  //set the appropriate field(s) selected)

function updateDisablesLists(val) {
    var d = convertDatePickerToDate(val);


private String getOfficersWithDisables(HttpServletRequest request) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, ParseException {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy");
    String htmlString = "<option value=''>&nbsp;</option>\n";
    List<Officer> officerList = TCAUDatabaseUtil.getOfficers();
    String dateString = request.getParameter("date");

    Date d = sdf.parse(dateString);
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    int dayOfWeek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);

    for (Officer officer : officerList) {
        boolean hasRun = !(TCAUDatabaseUtil.getRunName(d, officer.getId()).equals(""));
        boolean hasAppt = TCAUDatabaseUtil.hasAppt(d, officer.getId());
        boolean isReserveDay = (dayOfWeek == convertTCAUDayToCalendarDay(officer.getRd1()) || dayOfWeek == convertTCAUDayToCalendarDay(officer.getRd2()));
        boolean isAssigned = !(TCAUDatabaseUtil.getAttendanceEvent(d, officer.getId()).equals(""));
        boolean isDisabled = (hasAppt || hasRun || isReserveDay || isAssigned);

        htmlString += "<option value='" + officer.getId()+ "'" + (isDisabled?" disabled":"") + ">" + officer.getDisplayName() + "</option>";
    return htmlString;


我無法弄清楚您要解釋的邏輯。 沒什么大不了的,這個問題歸結為啟用和禁用選項。 我認為您的問題與格式化有關。


  <option disabled>2</option>

這是有效的,但也是速記。 option元素具有以下屬性( link ):

Attribute  Value     Description
disabled   disabled  Specifies that an option should be disabled
label      text      Specifies a shorter label for an option
selected   selected  Specifies that an option should be pre-selected when the page loads
value      text      Specifies the value to be sent to a server


  <option disabled="disabled">2</option>

現在,您可以.prop()調用.prop() ,並使用此方法將disabled設置為truefalse

工作示例: https : //jsfiddle.net/Twisty/2xj18jk9/


private String getOfficersWithDisables(HttpServletRequest request) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, ParseException {
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy");
    String htmlString = "<option value=''>&nbsp;</option>\n";
    List<Officer> officerList = TCAUDatabaseUtil.getOfficers();
    String dateString = request.getParameter("date");

    Date d = sdf.parse(dateString);
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    int dayOfWeek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);

    for (Officer officer : officerList) {
        boolean hasRun = !(TCAUDatabaseUtil.getRunName(d, officer.getId()).equals(""));
        boolean hasAppt = TCAUDatabaseUtil.hasAppt(d, officer.getId());
        boolean isReserveDay = (dayOfWeek == convertTCAUDayToCalendarDay(officer.getRd1()) || dayOfWeek == convertTCAUDayToCalendarDay(officer.getRd2()));
        boolean isAssigned = !(TCAUDatabaseUtil.getAttendanceEvent(d, officer.getId()).equals(""));
        boolean isDisabled = (hasAppt || hasRun || isReserveDay || isAssigned);

        htmlString += "<option value='" + officer.getId()+ "'" + (isDisabled?" disabled='disabled'":"") + ">" + officer.getDisplayName() + "</option>";
    return htmlString;


function enableOptions(deputies) {
  var tmpArray = [];
  $.each(deputies, function(name, value) {
    tmpArray.push(value.id); //get option values that are to be enabled
    $("#selEditRunDeputies option[value='" + value.id + "']").prop("disabled", false); //set to enabled



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