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[英]How to draw a circle in Java using Canvas


public void drawPinball1()
    Canvas.fillCircle(currentXLocation, currentYLocation, getDiameter());


// Drawing (or printing) texts on the graphics screen:
drawString(String str, int xBaselineLeft, int yBaselineLeft);

// Drawing lines:
drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
drawPolyline(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int numPoint);

// Drawing primitive shapes:
drawRect(int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, int width, int height);
drawOval(int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, int width, int height);
drawArc(int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle);
draw3DRect(int xTopLeft, int, yTopLeft, int width, int height, boolean raised);
drawRoundRect(int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
drawPolygon(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int numPoint);

// Filling primitive shapes:
fillRect(int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, int width, int height);
fillOval(int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, int width, int height);
fillArc(int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle);
fill3DRect(int xTopLeft, int, yTopLeft, int width, int height, boolean raised);
fillRoundRect(int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
fillPolygon(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int numPoint);

// Drawing (or Displaying) images:
drawImage(Image img, int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, ImageObserver obs);  // draw image with its size
drawImage(Image img, int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, int width, int height, ImageObserver o);  // resize image on screen

在您的情況下,您將使用drawOval(int xTopLeft, int yTopLeft, int width, int height);


參考: https : //www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/java/J4b_CustomGraphics.html


Canvas canvas = new Canvas(300, 250);
    GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();

    gc.fillOval(10, 60, 30, 30);
    gc.strokeOval(60, 60, 30, 30);


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