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[英]How do I print private class variables from an unordered map

我有一個無序映射,每個鍵包含一個類實例。 每個實例都包含一個名為 source 的私有變量和一個名為 getSource() 的 getter 函數。

我的目標是遍歷地圖,使用我的 getter 函數打印每個類實例中的變量。 在輸出格式方面,我想每行打印一個變量。 完成此操作的正確打印語句是什么?

unordered_map<int, NodeClass> myMap; // Map that holds the topology from the input file
unordered_map<int, NodeClass>::iterator mapIterator; // Iterator for traversing topology map

// Traverse map
for (mapIterator = myMap.begin(); mapIterator != myMap.end(); mapIterator++) {
        // Print "source" class variable at current key value

// getSource(): Source getter
double NodeClass::getSource() {
    return this->source;

unordered_map由鍵值對的元素組成。 鍵和值對應地稱為firstsecond

鑒於您的情況, int 將是鍵,您的 NodeClass 將是與鍵對應的值。



        using namespace std;
        unordered_map<int, string> myMap;

        unsigned int i = 1;
        myMap[i++] = "One";
        myMap[i++] = "Two";
        myMap[i++] = "Three";
        myMap[i++] = "Four";
        myMap[i++] = "Five";

        //you could use auto - makes life much easier
        //and use cbegin, cend as you're not modifying the stored elements but are merely printing it.
        for (auto cit = myMap.cbegin(); cit != myMap.cend(); ++cit)
            //you would instead use second->getSource() here.
            cout<< cit->second.c_str() <<endl;
            //printing could be done with cout, and newline could be printed with an endl


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