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[英]Batch script for loop won't set variable correctly

我有以下代碼,但我發現for循環內的變量未正確設置。 我嘗試使用! 標記仍然不起作用。

set dev_root=.\
set prod_root=..\prod\
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion

for /f "tokens=1* delims=\" %%A in ('forfiles /s /m *.txt /c "cmd /c echo @relpath"') do for %%F in (^"%%B) do (
    set "file=%%~F"
    set dev_filepath="%dev_root%%file%"
    set prod_filepath="%prod_root%%file%"

    if exist %prod_filepath% (
            fc /b %dev_filepath% %prod_filepath% > nul
        if errorlevel 1 (
            sd edit %prod_filepath%
            echo f | xcopy /f /y %dev_filepath% %prod_filepath%
    ) else (
        echo f | xcopy /f /y %dev_filepath% %prod_filepath%
            sd add %prod_filepath%



set dev_root=.\
set prod_root=..\prod\
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

for /f "tokens=1* delims=\" %%A in ('forfiles /s /m *.txt /c "cmd /c echo @relpath"') do for %%F in (^"%%B) do (
    set "file=%%~F"
    set "dev_filepath=%dev_root%%%~F"
    set "prod_filepath=%prod_root%%%~F"

    if exist "!prod_filepath!" (
            fc /b "!dev_filepath!" "!prod_filepath!" > nul 2>nul || (
                sd edit "!prod_filepath!"
                copy /Y "!dev_filepath!" "!prod_filepath!"


    ) else (
        copy /Y "!dev_filepath!" "!prod_filepath!"
        sd add "!prod_filepath!"

我會改變幾件事。 最主要的是用xcopy /L替換forfiles來檢索相對路徑,因為后者要快得多。 這是經過重做的代碼,其中包含許多說明性的rem注釋:

@echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion

rem /* Use the quoted `set` syntax (the `""` do not become part of the value);
rem    do not include the trailing `\` here, do that later when building paths: */
set "dev_root=."
set "prod_root=..\prod"

rem /* You should change to a dedicated working directory, because you are only
rem    using relative paths later: */
cd /D "%~dp0." & rem // (this is the script's parent directory, just as an example)

rem /* Use `xcopy /L` rather than `forfiles` to retrieve list of relative paths;
rem    `/L` avoids to copy anything; the output is preceded by the drive letter
rem    (e. g., `C:`), which is split off by the `for /F` options; the summary text
rem    `?? File(s)` is not enumerated by `for /F` as it does not contain a `:`;
rem    the returned items are not preceded by `.\` and are not in between `""`: */
for /F "tokens=2 delims=:" %%F in ('xcopy /L /S /I "*.txt" "%TEMP%"') do (
    rem /* Build source and target paths; there is no interim variable `file`
    rem    necessary, use `%%F` immediately; include path separators `\` here;
    rem    at this point, delayed expansion is still disabled: */
    set "dev_filepath=%dev_root%\%%F"
    set "prod_filepath=%prod_root%\%%F"
    rem /* Now let us enable delayed expansion at this point in order to be able
    rem    to read the previously built file paths; avoid immediate `%` expansion
    rem    and `for` variables beyond this point in order not to lose `!`: */
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    rem /* Always use quoted file paths in order to avoid trouble with white-spaces
    rem    and other special characters (`^`, `&`, `(`, `)`,...): */
    if exist "!prod_filepath!" (
        rem /* You can use the `||` operator to execute commands only if the
        rem    previous one failed, hence its exit is not zero: */
        fc /B "!dev_filepath!" "!prod_filepath!" > nul || (
            rem // I do not know the `sd` command, so I keep it, with quoted path:
            sd edit "!prod_filepath!"
            rem /* For copying a single file, you should use `copy` rather than
            rem    `xcopy`, because the former does not prompt for file/directory
            rem    (`F`/`D`); keep in mind the prompt is language-dependent;
            rem    before copying, create the destination directory: */
            md "!prod_filepath!\.." 2> nul 
            copy /Y "!dev_filepath!" "!prod_filepath!"
    ) else (
        rem /* Again use `copy` rather than `xcopy` to copy a single file: */
        md "!prod_filepath!\.." 2> nul 
        copy /Y "!dev_filepath!" "!prod_filepath!"
        rem // I do not know the `sd` command, so I keep it, but with quoted path:
        sd add "!prod_filepath!"
    rem /* End environment localisation at the end of the loop iteration in order
    rem    to have delayed expansion disabled at the beginning of the next loop
    rem    iteration and to avoid execeeding the nesting limit of `setlocal`: */

exit /B


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