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讀取文本文件中的第n行並在MS Batch中進行處理

[英]read n-th line in a text file and process in MS Batch

嗯..實際上,我需要讀取明文文件的第n行並保存在變量中以在批處理中進一步處理它。 因此,我花了很多時間在谷歌上搜索,發現了很多解決方案(全部在for循環中)。 在Stack Overflow上也有很多內容,但是,沒有一個對我有用。


for /f "skip=%toskip%" %%G IN (passwd.txt) DO if not defined line set "line=%%G"




    @echo on

    for /f %%i in ("passwd.txt") do set size=%%~zi
    if %size% leq 0 (
     echo Please create a dictionary of passwords first [File not found: passwd.txt]!>result.txt
     exit 1

    @Overwrite result.txt if it exists
    echo [RESULT]>result.txt

    @Try to delete the log if it exists
    IF EXIST logging.txt del /F logging.txt

    @REM If the file wasn't deleted for some reason, stop and error
    IF EXIST logging.txt (
     echo The log file must be removed!>>result.txt
     exit 1

    @Ask user for the file to unzip
    set /p filename=Enter 7z filename [name.7z]:

    @Check amount of PWs to try within the dictionary
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    set "cmd=findstr /R /N "^^" passwd.txt | find /C ":""

    @Set the amount to try
    for /f %%a in ('!cmd!') do set tries=%%a


    @Begin the for loop to try all PWs until unzipped or all PWs are tried
    FOR /L %%X IN (1,1,%tries%) DO (

     @Set PW to try
     @CODE INPUT TO READ AND STORE PW in local variable %passwd%

     @try to unzip using the given password and log the output
     7za e %filename% -o%CD%\unzipped -p%passwd%>>logging.txt

     @check the size of the log file
     for /f %%i in ("logging.txt") do set size=%%~zi

     @see whether it was succesful and log the tried password in the resuts
     findstr /m "Error" logging.txt
     if %errorlevel%==1 (
      echo It didn't work with PW: %passwd%>>result.txt

      @Try to delete the log if it exists
      IF EXIST logging.txt del /F logging.txt

      @REM If the file wasn't deleted for some reason, stop and error
      IF EXIST logging.txt (
       echo The log file couldn't be removed!>>result.txt
       exit 1
      @end of error-check clause

     else (
      if %size% leq 0 (
      echo Something went wrong, please check manually>result.txt
      echo Tried PW : %passwd% >>result.txt
      exit 1
    @end of prior else block

    else (
     echo Unzipped succesfully with PW: %passwd%>result.txt
    exit 1

   @end of for loop (1,1,tries)

這個批處理文件基本上只會“破解”我的經aes加密的7zip文件,因為我輸錯了密碼,並且不確定它到底是什么。 是的,像7zcracker這樣的工具無法正常工作,並最終提示“密碼為1”,但是此“工具”可以查看解壓縮時是否存在“錯誤”(因為僅加密了數據,名稱,可以“解壓縮” 7z文件,但內容的大小為0 ofc)

您無需獲取tries 只需閱讀密碼文件中的每一行。

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%p IN (`TYPE passwd.txt`) DO (
    ECHO Trying password %%p
    REM try the password


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