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如何將whats print()寫入控制台到.txt文件

[英]how to write whats print() to my console to a .txt file

我在python上很糟糕。 這段代碼打印到控制台的正是我想要放入.txt文件的內容。 我嘗試了幾項失敗。 由於我似乎無法附加正在使用的CSV文件,因此建議會有所幫助。


This is actually the entire CSV file:
Name,Height (inches),Soccer Experience,Guardian Name(s)
Joe Smith,42,YES,Jim and Jan Smith
Jill Tanner,36,YES,Clara Tanner
Bill Bon,43,YES,Sara and Jenny Bon
Eva Gordon,45,NO,Wendy and Mike Gordon
Matt Gill,40,NO,Charles and Sylvia Gill
Kimmy Stein,41,NO,Bill and Hillary Stein
Sammy Adams,45,NO,Jeff Adams
Karl Saygan,42,YES,Heather Bledsoe
Suzane Greenberg,44,YES,Henrietta Dumas
Sal Dali,41,NO,Gala Dali
Joe Kavalier,39,NO,Sam and Elaine Kavalier
Ben Finkelstein,44,NO,Aaron and Jill Finkelstein
Diego Soto,41,YES,Robin and Sarika Soto
Chloe Alaska,47,NO,David and Jamie Alaska
Arnold Willis,43,NO,Claire Willis
Phillip Helm,44,YES,Thomas Helm and Eva Jones
Les Clay,42,YES,Wynonna Brown
Herschel Krustofski,45,YES,Hyman and Rachel Krustofski


  import csv

  #open up the soccer_players.csv and turn the info into a big list with lists inside
  if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open('soccer_players.csv', newline='') as csvfile: 
      artreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
      rows = list(artreader)

    header = rows.pop(0) #seperating the keys ex: "Name" from the values ex: "John"

    for playerInfo in rows:
      del playerInfo[1] #deleting the height from the lists as we don't need it.

    experience = [] #a list of players with soccer experience
    noExperience = [] #a list of players with no soccer experience

    #putting the players into either the experience or noExperience lists
    for row in rows:
      if row[1] == "YES":

    teamSharks = []
    teamDragons = []
    teamRaptors = []
    teams = [teamSharks, teamDragons, teamRaptors]
    teamName = ["Sharks", "Dragons", "Raptors"]

    #function combining 1/3 of the experienced/inexperienced into one of the three teams
    def sortingIfPlayed(ifPlayed):


    #a function to take a list of players info by team, turn it into a string, and print it out 
    def printTeam(team):
      for playerInfoList in team:
        playerInfoString = ", ".join(playerInfoList)


    x = 0
    for team in teams:
      print(teamName[x])  #prints the team's name above the list of players info
      x += 1
      printTeam(team) #calls the function to print the players info below the team name``

如何將whats print()寫入控制台到.txt文件

您還可以通過更改sys.stdout重定向stdout ,因為print始終默認為打印到sys.stdout 只需在頂部添加以下行:

import sys
sys.stdout = open('yourtextfile.txt', 'w') # if yourtextfile.txt does not exist, it will create one, if it does, it will override it.



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