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[英]python: tuple of dictionary to Dictionary


({(1, 2): 3},
 {(1, 3): 5},
 {(1, 4): 5},
 {(2, 4): 5},
 {(1, 5): 10},
 {(2, 6): 9},
 {(1, 6): 9},
 {(2, 1): 2},
 {(2, 2): 3},
 {(2, 3): 5},
 {(2, 5): 10},
 {(1, 1): 2})


{(1, 1): 2,
 (1, 2): 3,
 (1, 3): 5,
 (1, 4): 5,
 (1, 5): 10,
 (1, 6): 9,
 (2, 1): 12,
 (2, 2): 7,
 (2, 3): 7,
 (2, 4): 3,
 (2, 5): 4,
 (2, 6): 2}


a = ({(1, 2): 3},
 {(1, 3): 5},
 {(1, 4): 5},
 {(2, 4): 5},
 {(1, 5): 10},
 {(2, 6): 9},
 {(1, 6): 9},
 {(2, 1): 2},
 {(2, 2): 3},
 {(2, 3): 5},
 {(2, 5): 10},
 {(1, 1): 2})

b = {k:v for t in a for k,v in t.items()}



{(1, 2): 3, (2, 6): 9, (2, 1): 2, (1, 1): 2, (1, 5): 10, (1, 3): 5, (1, 6): 9, (1, 4): 5, (2, 2): 3, (2, 3): 5, (2, 5): 10, (2, 4): 5}

你不能使用dict merge comprehension(但),但你可以通過鏈圖

>>> from collections import ChainMap
>>> dict(ChainMap(*dicts))
{(1, 1): 2,
 (1, 2): 3,
 (1, 3): 5,
 (1, 4): 5,
 (1, 5): 10,
 (1, 6): 9,
 (2, 1): 2,
 (2, 2): 3,
 (2, 3): 5,
 (2, 4): 5,
 (2, 5): 10,
 (2, 6): 9}

注意: collections.ChainMap是Python 3.3中的新增功能。



# `original_list` is the variable holding the
# `list` of `dict` as mentioned in the question

required_dict = OrderedDict(
    sorted((k, v) for sub_list in original_list for k, v in sub_list.items()))

# `OrderedDict` is represented as:
#    OrderedDict([((1, 1), 2), ((1, 2), 3), ((1, 3), 5), ((1, 4), 5), ((1, 5), 10), ((1, 6), 9), ((2, 1), 2), ((2, 2), 3), ((2, 3), 5), ((2, 4), 5), ((2, 5), 10), ((2, 6), 9)])


{(1, 1): 2,
 (1, 2): 3,
 (1, 3): 5,
 (1, 4): 5,
 (1, 5): 10,
 (1, 6): 9,
 (2, 1): 12,
 (2, 2): 7,
 (2, 3): 7,
 (2, 4): 3,
 (2, 5): 4,
 (2, 6): 2}

但是如果所需dict中的元素順序無關緊要 ,您可以使用簡單的字典理解來實現它:

required_dict = {k: v for sub_list in original_list for k, v in sub_list.items()}


    (1, 2): 3, 
    (2, 6): 9, 
    (1, 4): 5, 
    (1, 1): 2, 
    (1, 5): 10, 
    (1, 3): 5, 
    (1, 6): 9, 
    (2, 1): 2, 
    (2, 2): 3, 
    (2, 3): 5, 
    (2, 5): 10, 
    (2, 4): 5


>>> a=({(1, 2): 3},
 {(1, 3): 5},
 {(1, 4): 5},
 {(2, 4): 5},
 {(1, 5): 10},
 {(2, 6): 9},
 {(1, 6): 9},
 {(2, 1): 2},
 {(2, 2): 3},
 {(2, 3): 5},
 {(2, 5): 10},
 {(1, 1): 2})
>>> {key: x[key] for x in a for key in x}
{(1, 2): 3, (2, 6): 9, (1, 4): 5, (1, 1): 2, (1, 5): 10, (1, 3): 5, (1, 6): 9, (2, 1): 2, (2, 2): 3, (2, 3): 5, (2, 5): 10, (2, 4): 5}


values = ({(1, 2): 3},
 {(1, 3): 5},
 {(1, 4): 5},
 {(2, 4): 5},
 {(1, 5): 10},
 {(2, 6): 9},
 {(1, 6): 9},
 {(2, 1): 2},
 {(2, 2): 3},
 {(2, 3): 5},
 {(2, 5): 10},
 {(1, 1): 2})

d = dict()
reduce(lambda _, v: d.update(v), values)

另一個,Python 3.5及更新版專用:

>>> functools.reduce(lambda d1, d2: {**d1, **d2}, values)
{(1, 2): 3, (2, 6): 9, (2, 1): 2, (1, 1): 2, (1, 5): 10, (1, 3): 5, (1, 6): 9, (1, 4): 5, (2, 2): 3, (2, 3): 5, (2, 5): 10, (2, 4): 5}


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