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[英]How to use static_assert within an initializer in C?


#define INIT(N) \
        /* static_assert((N) < 42, "too large"), */ \
        [(N)] = (N)

int array[99] = { INIT(1), INIT(2), INIT(42) };

我希望INIT(42)出現錯誤,但取消注釋static_assert是語法錯誤。 AFAIK static_assert在語法上是一個聲明。 在此示例中如何使用它?

#define INIT(N) \
    [(N)] = (sizeof((struct {_Static_assert((N) < 42, "too large");char c[N];}){{0}}.c))

...我不確定自己如何最終被憎惡。 但是,它可以工作(對於N > 0 )!

// A struct declaration is a valid place to put a static_assert
        struct {_Static_assert((N) < 42, "too large");          }
// Then we can place that declaration in a compound literal...
       (struct {_Static_assert((N) < 42, "too large");          }){   }
// But we can't just throw it away with `,`: that would yield a non-constant expression.
// So let's add an array of size N to the struct...
       (struct {_Static_assert((N) < 42, "too large");char c[N];}){{0}}
// And pry N out again through sizeof!
sizeof((struct {_Static_assert((N) < 42, "too large");char c[N];}){{0}}.c)


#define INIT(N) \
    [(N)] = (sizeof((struct { \
        _Static_assert((N) < 42, "too large"); \
        char c[(N) + 1]; \
    }){{0}}.c) - 1)


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