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如何在c ++ winapi中獲取活動文件資源管理器窗口的路徑

[英]How to get the path of an active file explorer window in c++ winapi

我一直在思考如何才能做到這一點。 基本上我的應用程序需要使用winapi在c++中找出活動文件資源管理器(即前台的文件資源管理器)的目錄路徑。


TCHAR* getWindowDir(){
 TCHAR* windowTitle = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH];
 HWND windowHandle = GetForegroundWindow();
 return windowTitle;


創建一個IShellWindows實例並使用它來枚舉所有當前打開的資源管理器窗口。 使用各種相關接口,您可以從IShellWindows枚舉的每個項目中以PIDL的形式獲取窗口句柄和當前文件夾。 如果窗口句柄等於GetForegroundWindow()的結果,則將 PIDL 轉換為路徑。

在下文中,我提供了一些用於獲取有關所有資源管理器窗口的信息的代碼。 它部分基於Raymond Chen 的代碼,但使用智能指針來實現不那么脆弱和更簡潔的代碼。 我還通過異常添加了錯誤處理。


#include <Windows.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <atlcomcli.h>  // for COM smart pointers
#include <atlbase.h>    // for COM smart pointers
#include <vector>
#include <system_error>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

// Throw a std::system_error if the HRESULT indicates failure.
template< typename T >
void ThrowIfFailed( HRESULT hr, T&& msg )
    if( FAILED( hr ) )
        throw std::system_error{ hr, std::system_category(), std::forward<T>( msg ) };

// Deleter for a PIDL allocated by the shell.
struct CoTaskMemDeleter
    void operator()( ITEMIDLIST* pidl ) const { ::CoTaskMemFree( pidl ); }
// A smart pointer for PIDLs.
using UniquePidlPtr = std::unique_ptr< ITEMIDLIST, CoTaskMemDeleter >;


// Return value of GetCurrentExplorerFolders()
struct ExplorerFolderInfo
    HWND hwnd = nullptr;  // window handle of explorer
    UniquePidlPtr pidl;   // PIDL that points to current folder

// Get information about all currently open explorer windows.
// Throws std::system_error exception to report errors.
std::vector< ExplorerFolderInfo > GetCurrentExplorerFolders()
    CComPtr< IShellWindows > pshWindows;
        pshWindows.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ShellWindows ),
        "Could not create instance of IShellWindows" );

    long count = 0;
        pshWindows->get_Count( &count ),
        "Could not get number of shell windows" );

    std::vector< ExplorerFolderInfo > result;
    result.reserve( count );

    for( long i = 0; i < count; ++i )
        ExplorerFolderInfo info;

        CComVariant vi{ i };
        CComPtr< IDispatch > pDisp;
            pshWindows->Item( vi, &pDisp ),
            "Could not get item from IShellWindows" );

        if( ! pDisp )
            // Skip - this shell window was registered with a NULL IDispatch

        CComQIPtr< IWebBrowserApp > pApp{ pDisp };
        if( ! pApp )
            // This window doesn't implement IWebBrowserApp 

        // Get the window handle.
        pApp->get_HWND( reinterpret_cast<SHANDLE_PTR*>( &info.hwnd ) );

        CComQIPtr< IServiceProvider > psp{ pApp };
        if( ! psp )
            // This window doesn't implement IServiceProvider

        CComPtr< IShellBrowser > pBrowser;
        if( FAILED( psp->QueryService( SID_STopLevelBrowser, &pBrowser ) ) )
            // This window doesn't provide IShellBrowser

        CComPtr< IShellView > pShellView;
        if( FAILED( pBrowser->QueryActiveShellView( &pShellView ) ) )
            // For some reason there is no active shell view

        CComQIPtr< IFolderView > pFolderView{ pShellView };
        if( ! pFolderView )
            // The shell view doesn't implement IFolderView

        // Get the interface from which we can finally query the PIDL of
        // the current folder.
        CComPtr< IPersistFolder2 > pFolder;
        if( FAILED( pFolderView->GetFolder( IID_IPersistFolder2, (void**) &pFolder ) ) )

        LPITEMIDLIST pidl = nullptr;
        if( SUCCEEDED( pFolder->GetCurFolder( &pidl ) ) )
            // Take ownership of the PIDL via std::unique_ptr.
            info.pidl = UniquePidlPtr{ pidl };
            result.push_back( std::move( info ) );

    return result;

示例顯示如何調用GetCurrentExplorerFolders() ,將PIDL轉換為路徑並捕獲異常。

int main()
    ::CoInitialize( nullptr );
        std::wcout << L"Currently open explorer windows:\n";
        for( const auto& info : GetCurrentExplorerFolders() )
            CComHeapPtr<wchar_t> pPath;
            if( SUCCEEDED( ::SHGetNameFromIDList( info.pidl.get(), SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &pPath ) ) )
                std::wcout << L"hwnd: 0x" << std::hex << info.hwnd 
                           << L", path: " << static_cast<LPWSTR>( pPath ) << L"\n";
    catch( std::system_error& e )
        std::cout << "ERROR: " << e.what() << "\nError code: " << e.code() << "\n";



Currently open explorer windows:
hwnd: 0x0030058E, path: C:\Windows
hwnd: 0x000C06D4, path: C:\Program Files


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