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[英]How can I get my error messages to display only if username or password is not entered correctly using jquery?

 document.getElementById("button1").addEventListener("click", mouseOver1); function mouseOver1(){ document.getElementById("button1").style.color = "red"; } document.getElementById("button2").addEventListener("click", mouseOver); function mouseOver(){ document.getElementById("button2").style.color = "purple"; } $("#button1").hover(function() { $(this).css('cursor','pointer'); }); $("#button2").hover(function() { $(this).css('cursor','pointer'); }); $(document).ready(function(){ $('#button1').on('click', function () { if($(".existingUsername").get(0).value == "S0104675" && $(".existingPassword").get(0).value == "honor433") { $('#para1').animate({'left': '-100%'}); $('.username-label').animate({'left': '-105%'}); $('.existingUsername').animate({'left': '-105%'}); $('.password-label').animate({'left': '-105%'}); $('.existingPassword').animate({'left': '-105%'}); $('#button1').animate({'left': '-105%'}); }else{ document.getElementById("username_error1").innerHTML= "Please enter an existing valid username"; document.getElementById("password_error2").innerHTML= "Please enter an existing valid password"; } }); }); 
 .intro h1 { font-family: 'Cambria'; font-size: 16pt; font: bold; text-align: left; } .intro p { font-family: 'Calibri'; font: italic; font-size: 12pt; padding: 0px 690px 0px 20px; text-align: left; } .content { border: 2px solid; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; } #para1 { padding: 0px 1050px 0px 20px; } #para2 { padding: 0px 1099px 0px 20px; } .username-label, .password-label { margin: 10px 0px 0px 350px; position: relative; top: -70px; } .existingUsername, .existingPassword, #username_error1, #password_error2 { top: -70px; position: relative; } #button1{ background-color: #add8e6; margin-left: 425px; position: relative; top: -70px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border-radius:10px; padding: 0px 20px 0px 20px; } #button2{ background-color: #add8e6; margin-left: -200px; position: relative; top: -30px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; padding: 0px 20px 0px 20px; } .Username-label1, .Password-label2, .Email-label3, .Repeat-Email-label4 { margin: 0px 0px 0px 300px; position: relative; top: -70px; } .newUsername, .newPassword, .newEmail, .repeatEmail{ position: relative; top: -70px; margin-left: 20px; } span{ color: red; margin-left: 300px; } 
 <html> <head> <link href="Home.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <title>Project</title> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="intro"> <h1>Welcome to Cuyahoga Community College Student Services Online</h1> <p>Cuyahoga Community College recognizes students' rights to access personal and academic records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) as amended by Public Law 93-568.</p> </div> <br/> <div class="content"> <div class="row top"> <p id="para1">Already have an account with us? Returning users may log in by entering their site username and password. </p> <div class="login"> <label class="username-label" for="existingUsername">Username</label> <input class="existingUsername" type="text" /><br><span id="username_error1"></span><br> <label class="password-label" for="existingPassword">Password</label> <input class="existingPassword" type="password"/><br><span id="password_error2"></span><br> <button id="button1">Log in</button> </div> </div> <hr/> <div class="row bottom"> <p id="para2">New users, please create a new account by providing us with some basic information.</p> <div class= "new_customers_info"> <label class="Username-label1" for="newUsername">Username</label> <input class="newUsername" type="text" value=""> <br/><br/> <label class="Password-label2" for="newPassword">Password</label> <input class="newPassword" type="password" value=""> <br/><br/> <label class="Email-label3" for="newEmail">Email Address</label> <input class="newEmail" type="email" value="" > <br/><br/> <label class="Repeat-Email-label4" for="repeatEmail">Repeat Email Address</label> <input class="repeatEmail" type="email" value=""> <button id="button2">Create Account</button> </div> </div> </div> <br/> <footer>Cuyahoga Community College</footer> <footer>700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, 44115</footer> </div> <script src="Home.js"></script> </body> </html> 


我創建了一個網頁,允許我在網頁上輸入用戶名和密碼(上部內容),但是我遇到的問題是,僅當用戶名不正確或密碼為時,如何才能顯示跨度錯誤消息不對嗎 現在,即使未輸入密碼或密碼不正確,它也會使屏幕上的兩個文本框動起來。 反之亦然,當用戶名不正確或未輸入時。 我該如何解決這個問題? 我是否需要對if語句進行更嚴格的限制? 這是我的代碼。

您可以在讀取每個字段時動態填充錯誤,並設置一個變量來跟蹤是否存在任何錯誤。 如果沒有錯誤,請提交提交表單時執行所需操作的代碼。

 $("#button1").on("click", function() { var error = 0, usernameError = document.getElementById("username_error1"), passwordError = document.getElementById("password_error2"); if ($(".existingUsername").get(0).value != "S0104675") { usernameError.innerHTML = "Please enter an existing valid username"; error = 1; } else { usernameError.innerHTML = ''; } if ($(".existingPassword").get(0).value != "honor433") { passwordError.innerHTML = "Please enter an existing valid password"; error = 1; } else { passwordError.innerHTML = ''; } if (error == 0) { console.log('form is ok'); $("#para1").animate({ left: "-100%" }); $(".username-label").animate({ left: "-105%" }); $(".existingUsername").animate({ left: "-105%" }); $(".password-label").animate({ left: "-105%" }); $(".existingPassword").animate({ left: "-105%" }); $("#button1").animate({ left: "-105%" }); } }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <label class="username-label" for="existingUsername">Username</label> <input class="existingUsername" type="text" /><br><span id="username_error1"></span><br> <label class="password-label" for="existingPassword">Password</label> <input class="existingPassword" type="password" /><br><span id="password_error2"></span><br> <button id="button1">Log in</button> 

 $("#button1").on("click", function() { var error = 0; usernameError = document.getElementById("username_error1"); passwordError = document.getElementById("password_error2"); if ($(".existingUsername").get(0).value != "S0104675") { usernameError.innerHTML = "Please enter an existing valid username"; error = 1; } else { usernameError.innerHTML = ''; } if ($(".existingPassword").get(0).value != "honor433") { passwordError.innerHTML = "Please enter an existing valid password"; error = 1; } else { passwordError.innerHTML = ''; } if (error == 0) { console.log('form is ok'); $("#para1").animate({ left: "-100%" }); $(".username-label").animate({ left: "-105%" }); $(".existingUsername").animate({ left: "-105%" }); $(".password-label").animate({ left: "-105%" }); $(".existingPassword").animate({ left: "-105%" }); $("#button1").animate({ left: "-105%" }); } }); 


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