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[英]laravel value passed to function won't get passed into Database

我在laravel中有一個函數用於將數據保存到數據庫中,由於某種原因,其中一個變量不會添加到數據庫中,特別是日歷的id。 我已經嘗試在數據庫條目之前和之后返回變量,並且它在兩個時間都存在,它不會被添加。 這是我到目前為止:

class SetupPhotoshoot{

public function createListing(Request $request){

$calendarAdd = $this->addToCalendar($request);

$addtoDB = $this->addToDB($request, $calendarAdd['id']);

return $addtoDB;

protected function addToDB($request, $calendarID){

     //Some code here

     return $calendarID;  //This is to see if the id exists inside the function, which it does.

    $newSchedule = new Schedule;

     $addtoDB = $newSchedule->create({
     //Add a bunch of fields
     'services_id' => $request->Package,
     'appt_time' => $request->DateTime,
     'total' => $request->total,
     'calendar_id' => $calendarID //This is where I want the id to be added, but it isn't working.

     return $calendarID;  //I tried returning after adding to DB to see if it somehow got lost between before adding to DB and after, but it still returned.

//NOTE: the two individual returns were NOT used at the same time. I commented out one to test if the other returned, so it IS NOT because I used return multiple times.



calendar_id.之外,所有其他數據都會正確添加到數據庫中calendar_id. 它說的具體錯誤是“一般錯誤:1364字段'calendar_id'沒有默認值。” 當我允許空值時,它只在數據庫中添加“null”作為值。 這是它在數據庫中的樣子(這是MYSQL):

Name: calendar_id

Type: varchar(191)  utf8mb4_unicode_ci

Null: Yes

Default: None





protected $fillable = [


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